Altamont Library Notes for Thursday, January 24, 2019

One of the wonderful things we get to do here from time to time is to show off the homegrown talent we have here in Altamont. For the next few weeks, we’ll have the pleasure of hosting a special exhibit of one of our many talented friends, Altamont-based artist Joan Johnson.

Watercolors from Maine, a collection of six paintings by Joan, will be on display in our community room until the end of March. Come take a look! Thanks for brightening up the library, Joan!


One of the best ways of getting our youngest friends to become strong readers is by exposing them to a wide variety of readers and reading environments? For that reason, and also just because it’s just fun, we have two StoryTimes each week on Tuesday and Wednesday mornings at 10:30 a.m. Tuesday Storytimes with Miss Ann are targeted at pre-schoolers, while our Wednesday StoryTimes with Miss Erika are for toddlers (but we don’t mind older or younger friends on either day). Please join us for mornings of stories, songs, and bubbles.

Juice & Jammies

Speaking of StoryTime, we also have a special evening StoryTime that we call Juice & Jammies coming up on Friday, Jan. 25. Put on your pj’s and join Miss Erika for a low-key pre-bedtime story, and snack. This will be the perfect thing to get your kiddos ready to drift off to dreamland.

Library Gala

The always anticipated annual I Love My Library! Gala is coming up on Saturday, Feb. 9 at the Community Room at Altamont Village Hall. Invitations will be in the mail soon and tickets will be available at the library in the coming weeks. If you haven’t attended in the past and are interested in receiving an invitation, please get in touch with us. This is our biggest fundraiser of the year, and we need your support. You’ll enjoy a fantastic dinner and homemade desserts, exciting live and silent auctions, and the delightful company of your fellow library supporters. This year we will be honoring the many contributions made to our community by Ellen and Dick Howie and Lois and Ron Ginsburg, two couples whose dedicated service to our library and our Village are a shining example for us all. Please join us!

Tech Help

Now that the holidays are behind us, many of us are left trying to figure out how the heck to use the new techno-goodies we’ve received. For everyone who takes to new technologies like a fish to water, there are five of us who are utterly befuddled by new devices. But fear not, that’s what the library is here for. Whether it’s a new phone, laptop, tablet or eReader that won’t do what it’s supposed to do, we can (probably) help! Call the library at 518-861-7239 to book an appointment to sit down with a librarian for up to a half-hour and sort out your gizmo issues. And hey, if we can’t help you, it just means that you’re not alone in your confusion.

Hannaford Bags 4 My Cause

Here’s a great way to support your library, while at the same time doing a good turn for the environment: Throughout the month of February, for every "Bags 4 My Cause" reusable shopping bag sold at the 5239 Western Turnpike, Guilderland Hannaford, Altamont Free Library will receive a portion of the proceeds. Thanks, Hannaford !

Fine Freedom

Have you heard? For all of 2019, we’ll be trying something new: No overdue fines on any children’s books! No matter whether you’re a kid, a parent, a teacher, or anyone else, children’s books checked out here (even if we have to get them from another library) will not accrue overdue fines. In addition, if you have existing overdue fines on an AFL youth card, we’ll clear them. Patrons with overdue children’s books will still be notified through their normal channels, and after 28 days, the book will be considered lost and the borrower responsible for the cost of the item, but if it comes back after that, the fine will be cleared. We hope that many of our friends take advantage of this experiment, so spread the word!