Photos: Dutch Go Down

The Guilderland girls’ soccer team and boys’ volleyball team came up short in recent Suburban Council matchups. The Dutch soccer team battled with Bethlehem, ranked fifth in the state, last Thursday at home, falling, 2 to 0. The boys’ volleyball team traveled to Shaker on Friday night and spiked the ball hard and fast but lost in three straight sets: 16-25, 14-25, 18-25.

The Enterprise — Michael Koff

Impressive stop: Dutch goalkeeper Kiersten Becker falling to the ground, stops the ball with her legs as a teammate prevents a Bethlehem player from getting an easy goal in the second half.

The Enterprise — Michael Koff

Hip check: Dutch Sarah Lindberg throws her left hip into a Bethlehem player attempting to get the ball away from Lindberg.

The Enterprise — Michael Koff

Getting air: Dutch Molly DiCaprio out jumps a Bethlehem player for a header in the first half.

The Enterprise — Michael Koff

Corner battle: Guilderland’s Kelly Keegan takes the ball to the corner in hopes of getting a corner kick but Bethlehem’s Marissa Mastracco stuck her foot in between Keegan’s legs to kick the ball out of bounds for a throw-in during the first half of Thursday’s game.

The Enterprise — Michael Koff

Quick trap: Guilderland’s Margot Nezaj puts her foot on the ball to stop it before attempting to dribble up the field during the second half of last Thursday’s game. The Eagles’ defense didn’t allow the Dutch much room to head toward the net.

The Enterprise — Michael Koff

Looking ahead: Guilderland’s Alyssa Landry checks the field before putting the ball back into play on a throw-in during the second of half last Thursday afternoon’s Suburban Council matchup against Bethlehem at home.

The Enterprise — Michael Koff

In the second set, Samuel Cole bends down to bump the ball toward a teammate. Cole had seven kills.

The Enterprise — Michael Koff

Hands go up: Dutch's Chad Buckley tries to block a potential play from Shaker in the third set but the Blue Bison player passed the ball to a teammate. Pierce Bright led the Dutch with 11 assists and Jack Henning had 11 digs.

The Enterprise — Michael Koff

Concentration is key: Guilderland’s Samuel Cole uses both hands to bump the ball after a Shaker serve in the first set during Guilderland’s match at Shaker on Friday night.

The Enterprise — Michael Koff

Hands up: Guilderland’s Chad Buckley looks to block a Shaker player’s spike attempt in the third set of Friday night’s match.