Altamont Enterprise March 29, 1918
We have a few cases of Liberty measles.
Two men were injured, a third one badly shaken up, and a United Traction car and an automobile damaged late Monday night on Delaware avenue near the end of the city line. The auto, which was driven by Thomas Johnson of Slingerlands, was going in one direction and the trolley car in the opposite when the collision occurred. Two of the injured men, Arthur Fix and Wade Engle, both of Slingerlands, were rushed to the City hospital, where their injuries were dressed.
Mrs. Stanley Fryer has received word from her husband of his safe arrival in France.
Celebrate 50th Wedding Anniversary.
The home of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob H. Vroman, on Lark street, was the scene of a delightful occasion on Thursday, March 21, when they fittingly celebrated their fiftieth wedding anniversary.
— Mrs. Eli Secord entertained a Ladies’ aid quilting “bee” last week, also one this week.
— The usual union service was held in the Lutheran church last Sunday evening, instead of in the Reformed church. The change was made because of a flooded cellar and no heat in the Reformed church. The extreme cold of the past winter had frozen the outlet to the cellar, causing the water to rise to more than a foot in depth.
— The auction sale held by John Hayes at the Altamont livery last Saturday was largely attended. Horses were sold as cheaply as $20 for one hours, and up to $300 for a team. Wagons and sleighs when very cheaply.
— A Pantomime social will be given on Friday evening, April 12, by the Luther League of the Lutheran church. All members of the league and their friends are cordially invited to be present. The entertainment will consist principally of amusing pantomimes given by several members of the league. There will be a mite box in evidence. The entertainment will begin promptly at 8 o’clock.
— A new electric light has been placed in front of Makely’s garage on Maple avenue, and will be used as an advertisement. The lights will be turned on as soon as the connections are made to the lighting system.
Mrs. Elizabeth Scutt entered into rest last Friday, March 22, at the age of 83 years. She had been ill for some time. She leaves to mourn her, two nieces and a step son. She had resided with the step son for many years. The funeral was held from the home on Monday at 11 a.m., the Rev. G. Millette of Feura Bush, her pastor, officiating. Burial was in Onesquethaw cemetery.
Mrs. Anna Passage, with her daughter, Miss Marion Passage, left early Thursday morning for Hoboken, N. J., to bid farewell to her son, Everett G. Passage, who is a member of the Aviation Signal corps, lately in training in Texas. He will leave for France within a few days.
The South Westerlo bus began making its daily trips to Albany on Monday, coming through our village.
A poverty or “rube” social will be held at the Lutheran church hall on Friday evening, April 5. Calicos and ginghams will be the prevailing wearing apparel for the evening. Any woman not so attired will be fined two cents. Any man not wearing shirt and necktie of said material will be fined two cents, and any person wearing any kind of jewelry will be fined three cents. A prize will be given to the person wearing the most ridiculous costume. An egg supper with all the accessories will be served for 25 cents. Everybody welcome.
I have a nice line of Spring hats. They are within your means; lower than city prices.
— F. A. BECKER, Berne.