Altamont Enterprise Dec. 7, 1917
Auction Sale of Helderberg Golf Club Property Brings Only $9,100—Original Cost Was Nearly $100,000—Future of Property Not Known.
The Helderberg Golf club property on the hill above Altamont, originally the Kushaqua, built in 1886 by Colonel Church, and later known as the Helderberg Inn, was sold at auction at the Albany county court house Monday for $9,100. The original cost of the buildings, all of which are in perfect order, was $85,000. Extensive improvements costing many thousands of dollars were made when the property was taken over by the Golf club, the entire cost of the property being estimated at about $100,000.
The purchaser was Frank A. Ramsey of Ramsey & Co., Albany. Mr. Ramsey said he was not prepared to state what would be done with the property.
The original hotel venture proved a total failure and then the property was taken over by the Helderberg Golf club, which also proved a failure. The main building contains 53 bedrooms, not to speak of the large dining rooms, reading and recreation rooms, sun parlors, porches, etc. It is equipped with modern kitchen and heating contrivances. There are two detached cottages also and large barns, a greenhouse and other buildings. The ground consists of about 70 acres. The golf course is considered one of the finest in this part of the state.
— Miss Doris Schoonmaker of Berne, who has been ill for several weeks, desires to thank the friends who so kindly cheered her by calls and dainty remembrances.
— Private Homer I. Knott of the 102nd Trench Mortar battery, now at Spartanburg, S. C., is on a furlough visiting his wife in Albany, and his mother, Mrs. S. J. Dearstyne, in Berne. Life at Camp Wadsworth is all right, he says, as the boys are well cared for. They have plenty to eat, are well clothed and all are happy. Red Cross sweaters are being received, and the Y. M. C. A. and people of the several churches in Spartanburg are doing everything to make life there pleasant.
The Lakeside hotel, at Thompson’s Lake, one of the best known hostelries between Albany and Binghamton, was destroyed by fire about 3 o’clock on Sunday morning. The origin of the fire is mysterious. The hotel was unoccupied and closed for the winter, only a caretaker living nearby. It is said the loss will amount of $60,000, only partially covered by insurance.
The hotel has for the past few summers been conducted by Casey & Fitzgerald of Albany, and they closed with a successful season early in the fall. The hotel was well furnished and was recently very much improved. The cottages and outbuilding, together with the casino, were saved from destruction.
A passing farmer noticed the flames and gave the alarm. The neighbors did what they could, but with the fire fighting facilities at hand were powerless to save the building. They concentrated their efforts therefore to the surrounding buildings and saved them. It is said that several “over-Sunday” tramps had several times been seen in the vicinity and it is believed that some of these, occupying the hotel as a temporary resting place, set the place on fire by accident or otherwise.
Mr. Casey of Casey & Fitzgerald said that the hotel would be rebuilt before the opening of the next season and they expected to have a better trade than ever.
Robert Hurst, who will be 93 years old next March, is confined to his home and in quite a feeble condition. Mr. Hurst still retains his memory and talks of the time when he hopes to be 100 years old. At least he wants to live to see the end of the present world war.