I read with great interest the article and the letter on the Confederate flag
To the Editor:
I read with great interest the front-page article and the letter from Susan Hawkes-Tater on the Confederate flag in your Nov. 2 issue.
From what I read, the Dunnells’ teenage son is a history buff — good for him because a lot of this great country’s history is being erased from the history books. Our history is being rewritten in many cases.
I believe that this young man sees the real meaning of the Confederate flag. He sees beyond the so-called hate caused by the KKK and neo-Nazi groups. He sees that the Confederate flag was a part of this country’s history just like the red, white, and blue flag is a part of our history and flies freely, reminding us that many have died to keep us free and gives us all the freedoms we now have.
I, myself, would also like to see Old Glory also being flown in the same yard but, again the Constitution gives us all the freedom of speech we now use to cover burning this same flag and I have to stand by and let haters of this great country burn it!
The same freedom of speech gives this young man the right to fly his Confederate “heritage/not hate” flag.
Abraham Lincoln said it best in his second inaugural speech — “with malice toward none and charity to all.”
This cost him his life from a hateful man. If Abraham Lincoln did not punish the Confederacy at the end of the war, why are we?
Our military is the greatest in the whole world. I do whole-heartedly love them and thank them but don’t they fight for these freedoms?
If this were an Antifa (anti-facist) flag, would there be so much rhetoric?
Donna Fisher
Howes Cave