Altamont Senior News for Thursday, April 17, 2014
Tuesday, April 15, Altamont Seniors met for a special lunch prepared for us by Karen Darling: enchiladas with sides of salsa, sour cream, and a cold black bean salad. A dessert of apple pie, baked by Roberta Ehlert, was served and topped with a scoop of ice cream.
Following lunch, we observed Holy-Week with our annual ecumenical service. Officiating was Sister Mary Lou Liptak, Sister Pat Davis of St. Lucy/St. Bernedette Catholic Church; Pastor Greg Zajac of St. John’s Evangelical Lutheran Church; and Joanne Carnish also of St. Lucy/St. Bernedette.
We thank them for bringing this service to us.
Recently, several new members have joined the group. We hope they enjoy coming and will continue to do so.
Several weeks ago, Boy Scout Troop 51 presented to the seniors small clay pots in which “mystery” seeds were planted. Mine has been steadily growing and the stems are approximately eight inches long cascading over the pot.
The leaves indicate that the forthcoming flower may be a nasturtium. Thank you Scouts. Troop 51 meets at St. John’s Church on Maple Avenue.
Kathy Adams and Jean Owens are making arrangements for some day trips, which we are looking forward to. Come join us for a day away.
If you would be interested in joining us for lunch, games, programs, and sometimes entertainment, call Winnie Klenotiz at 861-5161. We meet each Tuesday.
Lunch is served at 12:30p.m. Come earlier, if you choose, and socialize.
Have a happy and blessed Easter.