Altamont Enterprise Oct. 26, 1917
A rousing meeting was held Monday evening at Masonic hall in the interest of the second Liberty Loan. The meeting was under the auspices of Altamont Liberty Loan committee. It was preceded by a concert by the Altamont band, who donated their services for the occasion. The attendance was good, but the audience more than made up in patriotism and interest for their lack of numbers. At the close of the meeting it was found that $17,000 worth of bonds had been subscribed. Subscriptions received since the meeting have increased the amount to over $25,000. It certainly shows that Altamont and vicinity are awake.
— A flock of wild geese was seen, flying south, Monday afternoon by school children in the district.
— A number of young men from Schenectady enjoyed a nutting party here on Sunday.
— All drivers of automobiles, wagons or other vehicles are cautioned to turn to the right by a “silent policeman” placed at the intersection of Maple avenue and Main street, in this village. On account of the great number of vehicles passing over these two streets it was thought necessary to eliminate all danger of accidents at this corner.
— Alfred Whipple is taking a two-year course in the Schoharie State School of Agriculture at Cobleskill. He began his studies on Tuesday.
— Taylor McMillen fell from a tree Monday and sustained quite severe injuries.
— The semi-annual sale and chicken supper of the New Scotland Presbyterian church will be given on Wednesday, Oct. 31. The usual plans are in preparation, and the usual well filled baskets are expected to be in readiness. Those who have attended these suppers know what they are like. Those who have not, should come and see what pride our young ladies have in serving every one who comes. A large company is expected, and all are welcome.
On Saturday afternoon, Oct. 20, Mrs. Charles Snyder gave a variety shower in honor of her sister, Bertha M. King. The afternoon was pleasantly spent in music, after which a luncheon was served to 35 guests. The bride-to-be received many beautiful gifts consisting of china, cut glass, silver, linen, money, etc. Miss King will be married to Ralph Judson Sadler in the near future.
Wanted — By a girl of sixteen who is not strong, but can sweep, dust, wash dishes and sew, a position at small wages. Write Room 314, 74 Chapel St., Albany.