Altamont Enterprise June 13, 1913
Class Day Exercises: A fine program of exercises was given by the “Class of 1913” of the Altamont High School, at the school building, last Friday afternoon, and was enjoyed by many of the patrons and friends of the school.
Miss Eunice C. Dyer, president, made a short opening address and at the close presented the school, in behalf of the Class, with a fine picture.
The Class History, as given by Mr. Earl A. Becker, with its droll underlying wit and in such an unaffected manner was fine. It was much enjoyed by the spectators and must have been much more appreciated by the school and those acquainted with each member of the class, all of whom he mentioned with the single exception of himself. This omission was looked after by Bernard R. Furbeck.
The Class Motto “To Be, Rather Than to Seem” was presented by Miss Mildred G. Lee, who gave a strong exposition of what it stood for and the manner in which it had been adherded to by the class.
Miss M. Pearl Cullings gave the Class Poem, (written by a friend of the class), in a very pleasing manner.
Miss L. Bernice Hungerford gave the Class Prophecy. She, evidently, was possessed of ability to see in the future and depicted with much nicety what might be expected of each individual member.
The Class Will was given by Miss Verna Edna Secor, in the absence of Howard Ogsbury owing to illness, to whom the subject was assigned. In it she presented, in behalf of the class, all their belongings in and about the school to the Class of 1914, as well as many of the characteristics of individual members to individual members of the incoming class.
The exercises were interspersed with songs by the school.
The Class presented Prof. Atwood with a handsome scarf pin; Miss Hallenbeck with a sterling silver brush and Miss Watson with a cut glass dish.
The members of the Class are: Earl A. Becker, Melvia Pearl Cullings, Eunice Coburn Dyer, Jesse Crounse Ellis, Bernard R. Furbeck, Harry Loucks Gaige, Leah Bernice Hungerford, Verna Louisa Keenholts, Mildred Grace Lee, Edmund Vincent Lewis, Anna M. Mac Michael, Howard Franeis Ogsbury, Verna Edna Secor, Mildred Irene Terpening, Nellie Grace Van Vorst, and Luther C. Warner.
The closing exercises of the school are as follows:
Baccalaureate sermon on Sunday evening, June 22.
Closing of the Grades on Monday afternoon, June 23.
High school commencement on Tuesday evening, June 24.