If elected, I will encourage continued citizen participation
To the Editor:
I am running this autumn on the Democratic line for town councilperson. My name is James Cooke.
I am a 36-year resident of Berne. I have been married to Diane for 33 years. I volunteered for and served four years as committeeperson on the Town of Berne Master Plan Committee, which produced the 1992 Town of Berne Comprehensive Land Use Plan.
I volunteered for and served three-and-a-half years as chairperson on the Town of Berne Comprehensive Plan Review Committee, which produced the 2011 Town of Berne Proposed Comprehensive Plan. In February 2017, I volunteered for appointment, and was appointed to the Berne Town Board and serve presently as councilperson.
Diane and I have been partners in a small retail and investment business for 32 years. My former education focused on unit trade drafting, computer science, and the liberal arts. I have worked in managerial positions in the restaurant and communications fields and in the construction and transportation fields as a laborer.
I am a Vietnam combat veteran, remembering always the sons and daughters of our nation served there honorably. I am a National Rifle Association and New York State Rifle and Pistol Association life member and have in the past worked to preserve Constitutional rights.
I am a lifelong Democrat, conservative by nature and independent by choice, always choosing to be on the side of the populace and the Constitutional law of our republic.
Let us address our town.
In efforts to save taxpayers money, the recently adopted Albany County shared-services plan has activated a process that could lead to a consolidation of the Albany County and Berne highway departments. A study on the consolidation has yet to be completed.
It is generally understood during that study that town citizens will be engaged and your ideas and concerns will carry weight. Citizens in the town of Berne will vote as to whether or not there will be a Berne and county highway department consolidation. It is up to Berne citizens to participate, ask questions, understand well, and vote.
The Switzkill Farm purchase is also in the minds of town citizens. The town, and thus the citizens own the property. The potential for economic, educational, and recreational success is super. The Switzkill Farm Board will continue to solicit public input.
The board members are dedicated to success. Attend their meetings. Get involved. The most exciting fact is that a sky observatory within Switzkill Farm is a very real possibility. Other groups are working on this at present. Locating the largest telescope in New York State here in Berne is a possibility.
Let’s come together to make this a reality. What a fantastic future for Berne. It can happen with your help.
High-speed internet access is a chief concern to those who do not have it. Present satellite and cellular service, though sufficient in quality, fall beneath cable-service quality. To provide all of Berne with cable is nearly an insurmountable challenge. With full citizen participation, I think Berne can do it.
While campaigning, I have found these three issues thus far have been mentioned most often. Certainly, there are others important to you also. Let me know.
If elected, my focus and goal will be to serve diligently and to steadily encourage continual citizen participation in town government. Berne is the jewel of Albany County. To build Berne’s future, we need the experience, knowledge, and participation of Berne citizens.
Participate and vote, and please consider supporting me. Thank you.
James Cooke