Altamont Enterprise September 7, 1917


The one hundred fiftieth anniversary of the organization of the Helderberg Reformed Dutch church will be observed at Guilderland Center during the week commencing Sunday, Sept. 9. Services will be held for six days and will be of much interest to all church goers, and especially to those who were former members of the old church.

Former pastors and prominent clergymen connected with the Reformed denomination will be present during the week.



A very happy wedding took place last Sunday afternoon at the residence of Rev. S. M. Adsit in Delmar. The contracting parties were Miss Hazel Mae Wright of Font Grove and William Johnston of McKownville. The wedding was expected to be a quiet affair, but some of the groom’s relatives and friends had been made wise, and so when the hour arrived, presented themselves unbidden. They filled the parlor and were seemingly most welcome.

Mr. Johnston is a fine specimen of American manhood, and is among those drawn for military service. He will go in training in two weeks. Should he see service on the western front in Europe, may he go with our prayers for a safe return, cheered and comforted with the thought that he is to battle in a most righteous cause. Defiant, inhuman autocracy must be dethroned. Worldwide brotherliness and democracy must be more universally enthroned. May he, and the millions of young men from our country going to the treacherous front, go, hoping and believing that this is a war to end all future wars. The price being paid is costly, but it will be worth while, if that righteous end is attained. May he be spared to return to the home and companionship of his loved ones.


School commenced on Tuesday with Prof. Milton Quay as teacher.


—Arthur B. Gregg, special representative of the Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance company in eastern New York, has won a two years’ contest for amount of business and is entitled to attend the Honor Roll meeting at Fisher’s Island in the Sound Sept. 8-15. The many clients of Mr. Gregg will be interested in knowing that he ranked among the first thirty of the most successful agents in the company in the whole country for two successive years.

Relative Decorated for Bravery.

Information has just been received by A. B. Gregg of this village that his cousin Lieut. Milton F. Gregg of the Canadian Forces has been awarded the Military Cross. Notice is gazetted as follows: “Lieut. M. F. Gregg — Military Cross — Leading a bomb attack against a hostile machine gun, he annihilated its crew, permitting the advance of the party to continue unchecked. Later though himself wounded, he carried a seriously wounded officer to safety.”


—Next Thursday afternoon and evening the annual community fair and jitney lunch, under the direction of the Woman’s league, will be held in the chapel of the Slingerlands M. E. church. Prizes will be awarded for the best display of flowers and vegetables. If only one exhibit of flowers or vegetables is made, the money prize will not be awarded. Badges will be given for vegetables exhibited. Men in town, families and farmers are urged to exhibit vegetables, which are to be sold after the prizes have been awarded. Prizes will also be given for the best war dish, the best bread, pie and cake, baked by a girl under 16 years of age, the best sewing, including embroidery and needlework, by children under 16 years of age.

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