Apply now to be part of Alcove sales
The Annual Alcove Community Yard Sales will be held on Saturday, April 29.
Applications may be picked up in the Fellowship Hall (back door, at any time) of the Trinity United Methodist Church on Route 143 in Coeymans Hollow. The applications should be returned by mail to: Alcove Preservation Association, Post Office Box 81, Alcove, NY, 12007, by April 22.
Treasure maps for a one-dollar donation may be picked up the day of the yard sales at the Coeymans Hollow firehouse, starting at 8 a.m. A bake sale will be held at the firehouse by the ladies’ auxiliary.
The Little Red School House will also hold a yard sale and the museum will open at 8 a.m. A luncheon will be held at Trinity United Methodist Church from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., by United Methodist Women.
Any or all of the six in a series of cancellation stamps from 2001 to 2006, in cooperation with the United States Postal Service, featuring landmarks in Alcove, will be available at the luncheon. Also available will be Alcove’s 125th Anniversary Booklet, and APA T-shirts and hats. “The Demise of Indian Fields,” published by Lucy Margiasso, will be available at her yard sale or call (518) 756-8476.