Altamont Enterprise March 23, 2017


A drama entitled “Cranberry Corners” is in course of preparation by the village talent.


All Automobilists of Albany County Invited to be Guests of Albany Automobile Club on April 19th.

Dr. James M. Vander Veer, chairman of the committee on arrangements for the annual smoker of the Albany Automobile club announces that the smoker will be held this year on Thursday evening, April 19, at 8 o’clock, at Keeler’s hotel.

Every motorist in Albany county and every farmer who is interested in good roads is invited to attend this gathering. The object of the smoker is to bring about a better understanding between the automobilists of the county and the farmers interested in good roads, and to help along the campaign of the Albany Automobile club in securing safe, proper and uniform traffic regulations.

Luncheon will be served and arrangements are being made for some stunts to entertain the guests of the club.


The Presbyterian church is being wired for electricity. The Senior C. E. society of the church has given the sum of $25 for the light fund.

— At the village election Tuesday the Republican ticket was elected. The proposition providing for the appropriation of $200 per year for the support of the Voorheesville Free Library was defeated. It is to be regretted that our citizens, if they have the interest and welfare of the village at heart, cannot realize the benefit of such an institution to the community and by a small amount help in its maintenance.


Albany, N. Y.  Feb. 1, 1917

Robert T. Coughtry, Esq.

Voorheesville, N. Y.

Dear Mr. Coughtry:

I am sorry that I overlooked sending you a letter in regard to the settlement of the fire loss sustained by the Phoenix Foundry. The settlement which was effected was most satisfactory in every way and it was brought about with very little trouble or inconvenience on our part. It was unnecessary to have a regular adjuster represent us as the agent of the company handled the whole matter in such an acceptable manner, and I am very glad that you represent such an excellent insurance company.

Very truly yours,

Ledyard Cogswell, Jr.

[EDITOR’S NOTE: According to the Encyclopedia of New York State by Peter R. Eisenstadt and Laura-Eve Moss, the Phoenix Foundry produced iron and was in existence in Voorheesville from 1895 through 1916. It burned down in October 1916.]


Arrangements are under way by the Slingerland Baseball association to hold a dance at Universal hall, in Delmar, on the evening of April 27th. O’Neil’s double banjo orchestra of Albany has been secured for the occasion. The receipts from the dance will be used to purchase new uniforms for the Slingerlands baseball team.

Lost — At Reformed church on Sunday evening, March 11, a lady’s silk umbrella. This may have been taken by mistake, as an old one was left in its place. Return to Mrs. Euphemia Frink, Altamont.


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