Quay, Greene to wed
Peter and Brenda Quay of Norwich, Conn. are pleased to announce the engagement of their daughter Amy Elizabeth Quay to Chad Edward Greene, both of Norwich.
The bride-to-be is the granddaughter of the late Donald and Vivian (Coulter) Quay. The groom-to-be is the son of the late Charlie Greene and Debbie McLaughlin of Jewett City, Conn.
Ms. Quay is a 2006 graduate of Norwich Free Academy. She obtained a degree of general studies from Three Rivers Community College in 2008. She is in the process of obtaining a sociology degree from Eastern Connecticut State University. She is currently employed at Old Navy as a customer service manager.
Mr. Greene obtained his commercial driver’s license in April and is currently employed at Auto Zone as a commercial driver.
A July 2014 wedding is planned.