Photos: Pin Crushers Strike
The pins never had a chance against the bowlers from Guilderland, Dec 6; Voorheesville, Dec 5; and Berne-Knox-Westerlo, Dec. 2, this week.
The Enterprise — Michael Koff
The Voorheesville Blackbirds faced the Bulldogs from Cobleskill-Richmondville on Monday afternoon at home where the Birds fell, 21 points to 11. Leading the Blackbirds, Nicole Gifford cleans her ball before she took aim at the pins during the first game of three. Gifford, Voorheesville’s number-two bowler, had a high game of 223 and a series of 563.
The Enterprise — Michael Koff
Serious look: Voorheesville’s number-one bowler, Matt Flandreau, battled to find his release point all game long; he had a high game of 167 and a series of 421. His teammate Tommy Dellapenta, right, Voorheesville’s number-three bowler, shot a 488 series and a high of 176.
The Enterprise — Michael Koff
Guilderland took to the road on Tuesday afternoon at Towne Bowling Academy in Schenectady to battle the Brothers of Christian Brothers Academy. The Dutchmen won, 19 points to 13. With a high backswing, Tommy Durand, Guilderland’s number-two bowler, gets ready to release the ball toward the pins; he shot a 587 series and had a high game of 211.