Photos: Dutch Tackle Pickleball In 2nd Annual Tournament

Last Wednesday, March 12, Guilderland students and avid pickleball players took to the courts inside the West gym at Guilderland High School for the second annual tournament.

The Enterprise — Michael Koff

Quick shot: Guilderland student Mady Hamilton sticks out her paddle to hit the ball back towards her opponents.

The Enterprise — Michael Koff

Hitting the floater: Guilderland’s Lauren Wasserbach brings her paddle back as she prepares to hit the ball that sails in the air in front of her.

The Enterprise — Michael Koff

Hiya! Guilderland’s Aidan Gonzalez leaps up to spike the ball back over towards his opponents as his teammate Alfred Sun looks on.

The Enterprise — Michael Koff

Serving it up: Guilderland’s John Uzzilia stares at the ball as he swings his paddle to start the point.

The Enterprise — Michael Koff

Slicing it: A Guilderland student swings his paddle for a backhand shot during his second game.

The Enterprise — Michael Koff

Net presence: Guilderland’s Meghan Uzzilia stares at the floating ball as she brings her paddle up to smack it back over the net.