Photos: Sweets and zing at Rensselaerville reorg meeting
The Enterprise — Marcello Iaia
Ronald Bates is sworn in as Rensselaerville’s newest town judge on Jan. 2. Bates, a recently retired deputy sheriff, won the position in the last election by running unopposed. He takes over for Judge Timothy Miller. Judge Gregory Bischoff, the town’s senior judge, administered the oaths at the meeting. Bischoff offered for Bates to do the rest, to which Bates declined, saying Bischoff was doing a good job.
The Enterprise — Marcello Iaia
Government goodies: Councilwoman Margaret Sedlmeir serves her punch of bright green sherbet and soda to Rensselaerville Supervisor Valerie Lounsbury. After swearings in and establishing new year provisions at the Jan. 2 reorganizational meeting, town officials enjoyed homemade treats and holiday conversation.