New Scotland Senior News for Friday, June 17, 2016
Come join us.
The committee that finds and schedules events for the New Scotland Seniors works very hard to come up with ideas that would appeal to a wide group. The committee is always open to suggestions of any kind; just give me a call if you would like me to pass on a suggestion or idea.
Please take advantage of the Yellow Bus program for, as you might drive now (99 percent of those seniors who ride with us do), there may come a time you can’t drive. There is an old saying, “Use it or lose it.” We hope we will always have this program for our New Scotland seniors but the town board must see this.
Remember, we do the reservations, make arrangements for special tours, and you get dropped off at the venue door so there are no parking issues. You may bring a walker or an aid (like a daughter or a son) if you need it. We make it as easy, painless, and enjoyable as possible. You might even see an old friend or make a new one.
So please join us and pass the word to a friend or neighbor and get on the bus.
We have a lot of wonderful events planned for the New Scotland Seniors. Please share this list with any senior in the town who is 62 and older; they are welcome to ride along with us.
To sign up, call me, at 439-9038; leave a message and I will call back to confirm. We have 14 seats, to be filled on a first-come, first-served basis.
If possible, two buses will be used with a minimum of six people on the bus locally and minimum of eight for out-of-town trips.
Scheduled programs and meetings
Every Tuesday and Thursday, there is a free Osteobusters class at 10 a.m. at the Wyman Osterhout Community Center in New Salem.
The first and third Wednesday of every month, the New Scotland Seniors meet at the community center at 12:30 p.m. for a potluck lunch followed by a business meeting at 1 p.m.
Participants must pre-pay for all events with checks made out to the specified venue with the event name and date filled in on the “memo” line.
When trips become filled, they are no longer listed. Those who signed up will be called with time and place of pick-up a day or so before.
The town of New Scotland has two cars to take seniors (living in New Scotland only) to medical appointments, Mondays through Fridays, from 9 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.
This program runs with volunteer drivers and money donations from riders. No fee is charged; a donation is suggested of $5 each way for out-of-town trips and a few dollars each way within town. If you don’t have the means, you will never be denied a ride. Amounts are only suggestions.
Please give as much notice as possible so we can schedule and find a volunteer to drive you. Dialysis and chemotherapy appointments take precedent over all other appointments. This is a curb-to-curb service. The program is run at the discretion of the Senior Outreach Liaison and the program committee.
Please call 439-9038 if you would like to volunteer to drive either or both vehicles.
If schools are closed because of inclement weather, all trips are cancelled. Money for events will be refunded if possible.
Up-to-date information on Yellow Bus trips can also be found at
Upcoming trips
Join us for these excursions:
— Friday, June 17: Rensselaer senior center lunch of baked meatloaf, mashed potatoes, peas, and pears with a suggested donation of $3.50;
— Tuesday, June 21: to the Saratoga Casino, for Club 55 Day, departing around 9:30 a.m., and leaving the casino around 3:15 p.m. There is a buffet lunch for $5.95 and chances to win a grand prize for the day with your Club 55 card.The suggested bus donation is $5 each way;
— Saturday, June 25: Berne Lutheran Church pancake breakfast at 9:30 a.m., on a donation basis. The menu includes blueberry or plain pancakes, eggs, bacon, sausage, and more;
— Monday, June 27: to the Mid Way Café for lunch ordered off the menu, cost on the senior. Cash only.
— Tuesday, June 28: Cook’s Park free concert at 6:30 p.m., by Skeeter Creek for country music. Bring a lawn chair, bug spray, and jacket;
— Wednesday, June 29: Peebles Island picnic lunch. The cost is $7 for sandwiches, salads, and beverage, bring lawn chair, hat/wrap, whatever you need. Pay driver when you get there;
— Wednesday, July 6: Senior citizens business meeting at the community center at 1 p.m. with refreshments served, stay and play cards and games, afterwards;
— Saturday, July 9: the Iroquois Indian Museum 35th Anniversary Celebration. Activities include: Iroquois social dancers, special children’s activities, silent auction, chicken barbecue, Iroquois stories around the bonfire, lantern lighting and more. More information in a later Yellow Bus sheet. Time to mark your calendar.
— Monday, July 11: lunch at the Homefront Café order off the menu, with the cost on the senior. Cash only;
— Thursday, July 14: to the Bavarian Manor Country Inn & Restaurant for a prime rib dinner special. The cost is $18.50, including soup or salad, dessert and coffee or order off the menu;
— Sunday, July 17: to the Mac-Haydn Theatre to see “Chicago” for a 2 p.m. matinee. The cost is $28 and checks should be made out to Mac-Haydn and into New Scotland Senior Outreach by June 30. There are only 14 seats available. Dinner at the Cracker Barrel after the show, with cost on the senior;
— Tuesday, July 19: blueberry picking with Larry. Bring something to sit on low while picking, bucket for berries, hat and skin cover up. Lunch at the Ugly Rooster afterwards. We will be leaving the field at noon, water in a cooler will be provided. Cost is on senior;
— Tuesday, July 19: Cook’s Park free concert at 6:30 p.m. by Swing Docs Big Band for swing music. Bring a lawn chair, bug spray, and jacket;
— Wednesday, July 20: Senior Citizens congregate meal (bring a dish to share and a plate and place service) at the community center at 12:30 p.m. Stay and play cards and games afterwards;
— Friday, July 22: movie at the Spectrum Theater between 3:15 and 4 p.m. with dinner at the United Buffet. The cost is on the senior;
— Tuesday, July 26: to the Saratoga Casino, for Club 55 Day, departing around 9:30 a.m., and leaving the casino around 3:15 p.m. There is a buffet lunch for $5.95 and chances to win a grand prize for the day with your Club 55 card.The suggested bus donation is $5 each way;
— Tuesday, July 26: Cook’s Park free concert at 6:30 p.m. by Electric City Horns for rock, pop, and swing music. Bring a lawn chair, bug spray, and jacket;
— Thursday, July 28: to the Rensselaer senior center. Lunch to be announced with entertainment “Etta James,” with a suggested donation of $3.50; and
— Saturday, July 30: Berne Lutheran Church pancake breakfast at 9:30 a.m., on a donation basis. The menu includes blueberry or plain pancakes, eggs, bacon, sausage, and more.