Hilltowns Senior News for Friday, April 3, 2015
Well, if last week was March going out like a lamb, I’d hate to meet that lamb’s papa! Best keep your seedlings indoors for awhile yet. The lunchtime menu for next week at the Hilltown Senior Center is out, and there are things to do besides eat.
Monday April 6 will be an Easter egg game and live music; Tuesday, we will have Cards and Crafts (including knitting and crocheting); and Friday, is Bingo. Doors open as usual at 11 a.m., and lunch is served from noon to 1 p.m.
Monday, April 6: American goulash, cranberry juice, tossed salad, whole-wheat roll, milk, and fruit cocktail;
Tuesday, April 7: Baked ham with crushed pineapple, mashed potatoes, broccoli, rye bread, milk, and peaches;
Friday, April 10: Lemon garlic baked fish, baked sweet potato, green peas, whole-wheat roll, milk, and gelatin with fruit.
Please call three to seven days in advance to 872-9400 to reserve lunch, e-mail plightbody@nycap.rr.com, or sign up when you come in. Tell us how many are coming, your name, and your telephone number.
A donation is suggested, and there is a charge for whippersnappers under age 60. Volunteers are welcomed with open arms; if you’d like to come help, give Mary Moller a call at 861-6253, or e-mail her at mollersrus@aol.com, and put volunteer in the subject line.
Lunches are provided by Helderberg Senior Services, the Albany County Office for the Aging, and the Peter Young Housing Industries and Treatment Culinary Program. The Hilltown Senior Center is located at 1360 Helderberg Trail (Route 443) in Berne.