Guilderland Senior News for Friday, June 29, 2018
The Guilderland Senior Services is offering the following activities the week of July 2. Call the senior office at 518-280-7607 with any questions or for information. The location for senior services is 141 Bavarian Way. For transportation, call 518-356-2920.
— Monday: Scheduled shopping, aqua class at 10:30 a.m. and Strong Bones Plus at 10:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. at the town hall;
— Tuesday: Luncheon of BLT bow tie pasta salad or cold plate at 11:30 a.m., bingo/Rummikub at 12:30 p.m., and town hall class of Strong Bones Plus at 9 a.m.;
— Wednesday: Town hall closed for Independence Day holiday;
— Thursday: Scheduled shopping, Silver Sneakers at 9 a.m., Silver Sneakers Yoga Stretch at 10 a.m., Mahjong and Pinochle at 12:30 p.m., and Strong Bones Plus at 9 a.m. at Town Hall; and
— Friday: Scheduled shopping, painting at 10:30 a.m., intermediate bridge at 12:30 p.m., and quilting at 1 p.m.
Learn about Medicare
On Thursday, July 12 from 10:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. to learn about Medicare. Please call 518-280-7607 by July 9 to register.
Will you soon be 65? Are you already enrolled in Medicare but still have questions about your coverage options? There are Medicare counselors trained to help you understand your choices and options. Attend a presentation designed to provide you with an understanding of Medicare and the choices available to you.
Thinking about changing your current Medicare coverage? This is a great time to get a better understanding of the whole picture.
Having trouble paying your Medicare premium or related medical expenses? Find out if you may qualify for Federal assistance with your medical expenses. Come learn about how Medicare works. The number of choices available to you and all the factors that you should consider when making your choices will probably surprise you.
Exercise class
Please register for fall (September through December) exercise classes during the week of August 13 in the senior office.
Farmers Market coupons
Farmers Market Coupons are a one-time benefit of $20 per household per year in NYS Farmers Market checks. Eligible seniors whose gross income must be no more than 185 percent of the US Poverty Income Guidelines. This nutrition program helps seniors buy locally grown fresh fruits and vegetables at nearby farmers markets. It will be necessary to bring ID when picking them up. These coupons should be available mid-July please call for availability.
We will provide transportation to an area farmers market on July 24 and Aug. 21 at 10:45 a.m. leaving from the Guilderland Senior Center as well as pickups at the Omni. Please let us know if you plan to participate.
Drivers needed
A permanent driver is needed for Wednesdays and Fridays approximately one hour of the day 10:15 to 11:15 a.m. to deliver meals to a specific route of approximately 6 people.
A substitute driver would be needed “once in a while” for about an hour to deliver meals to a specific route. Meals are delivered to Guilderland/Altamont residents’ on weekdays. Please call 518-280-7607 for further information.