Learn about environmentally sound building on a ‘green’ tour
A Sustainable Green Infrastructure Exposition is being held in Albany County on Sept. 24. Visitors may tour a building with a green roof, see porous asphalt on public and private roads, or visit a rain garden or stream restoration project.
The Stormwater Coalition of Albany County is hosting the exposition on “green” infrastructure practices within the community. Billed as a “Show and Tell” presentation, the exposition includes a “green” roof tour where journalists and local leaders may see “green” practices up close on top of the roof at the Liberty Terrace building at University at Albany on the uptown campus.
The “green” roof at Liberty Terrace is one of only a handful in Albany County. While relatively new to the area, “green” roofs have become a popular choice for sustainable development in environmentally forward cities across the United States, including Portland and Philadelphia, according to a release from the coalition.
A visual demonstration of porous asphalt will be shown at Antoinette Estates in the town of Colonie. The pavement will be sprayed with water and the fascinating process of how black asphalt can be made “green” will be explained by environmental experts.
Other destinations include the rain garden at Cook Park in the village of Colonie, and a tour of the stream restoration project at the city of Albany landfill.
All locations are within a short distance and transportation will be provided.
Presenters from diverse educational backgrounds will explain features of each project, including costs, maintenance, practical considerations, and the officials responsible for approving projects.
The free tour is funded by a New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Environmental Protection Fund Water Quality Improvement Grant. Coalition members and the press will be given priority for seating. Additional seats will be provided to members of the public who register by Sept. 12.
Registration forms are available from the Stormwater Coalition of Albany County website: www.stormwateralbanycounty.org, by phone at 447-5645, and by e-mail at .
The tour includes lunch, and begins and ends at Cook Park in Colonie. Registration starts at 11:30 a.m. and the site tour runs from noon to 5 p.m.