Violets celebrate Famous Firsts
NEW SCOTLAND — The theme for this year’s Capital District African Violet Society violet show celebrates a number of “famous firsts,” including the first moon landing, tweet, postage stamp, telephone call, skyscraper, and airplane.
The judged show and African violet sale will be held at the Cornell Cooperative Extension, 24 Martin Road, Voorheesville, on Saturday, April 5, from 1 to 5 p.m. and Sunday, April 6, from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Bring pet food and receive a 50-cent discount on the $3 donation. Pet food will be donated to Mohawk Hudson Humane Society.
Violets come in a wide range of colors, sizes, shapes, and assorted foliage. There is sure to be a violet variety that catches your eye. Check out the horticultural show table, and then check the sale table featuring flowering plants from Lyon’s Violets in Dolgeville, or the club sale table for leaves or plants of your favorite violet or related plant and supplies to help you care for them.
The design division features interpretive flower arrangements using African violet blossoms and other plant material or plant arrangement using blooming African violets, foliage, and other cut plant material to depict the famous firsts from this year’s theme.
The popular underwater bubble bowl design class will celebrate the invention of the aqualung in 1943 by Jacques-Yves Cousteau. What would those early explorers have seen in the ocean depths?
If you would like to enter a violet of your own, there is a class for non-members of the CDAVS and educational material available to help you care for and propagate your plants. Violets should be in bloom and have only a single crown, except for species and trailers. Entries should be made between 1 and 8 p.m. on Friday, April 4, at the show site.
Contact for additional information.