Westerlo Library Notes for Thursday, July 16, 2020
You are invited to the library!
Schedule an appointment by visiting our website and reviewing our new safety procedures for visiting the library. Would you rather talk to one of our friendly staff? Then simply call 518-797-3415 during our regular library hours to make a half-hour time slot appointment.
Properly worn face masks are required by all people entering the library for the safety of our staff. If you have a reason that you can’t wear a face mask, no worries, we still offer curbside pick-up for your convenience! We look forward to serving you either way. Stay healthy and keep reading.
Summer Reading
Summer heat got you down! Then stop by the library for some fun take-and-make activities to get your imagination going! All you have to do is call us to let us know that you want one and we will set it outside on the porch for you to pick up. How awesome is that!
Just call 518-797-3415 and ask for a fun craft or science kit. They’re all ready for you to take home and let the adventures begin! New kits will be available each week! Check out our Facebook page and website to see videos and story times that will go along with each week’s kits.
Trustees meet
A special meeting of the library’s board of trustees will be held on Monday, July 20, from 7 to 9:30 p.m. Please join the meeting from your computer, tablet, or smartphone at https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/326963133.
You may also dial in using your phone: +1 (224) 501-3412, Access Code: 326-963-133.