Voorheesville Library Notes for Thursday, September 5, 2013
It is that time of the year again. The Friends of the Library annual fall book sale is right around the corner. Save the following dates: Friday, Sept. 20, 5 to 8:30 p.m., for the members only preview sale. Remember a one-year individual FOL membership can be purchased at the door for the low cost of $10; Saturday, Sept. 21, is the public book sale; and Sunday, Sept. 22, is the buck-a-bag sale, please bring your own bags. We are still accepting book and DVD donations for the sale. The donations can be dropped off at the Voorheesville Public Library during regular summer hours.
New on our website
Be sure to spend some time looking through our three new online subscriptions, available to library cardholders. You can now access Consumer Reports free online. Find expert ratings and buying advice from this respected source on our research page. Also new is eSequels, a service that allows you to search for the latest title by your favorite author, find books by character, location or subject, or find the list of titles in a series. Very helpful for finding the next book with your favorite character! The third new subscription is TumbleBookLibrary, an online collection of talking eBooks for young children. It makes reading fun.
Library displays
The next time you are visiting the library, be sure to stroll the hall art gallery to admire the oil paintings of local artist Susie Flansburg, the library’s September Artist of the Month. Our display case is exhibiting a miniatures collection shared by Rose Lawson. It is sure to please all ages!
Gadgets and Gizmos:101
Do you know what an iPad is? A Tablet? On Thursday, Sept. 26, from noon to 1 p.m., you can see an overview of everyday electronic devices and their uses. This workshop is for people with little or no prior computer knowledge who wish to learn the basics. Light refreshments will be served.