Voorheesville Library Notes for Friday, May 9, 2014
The 2014 budget hearing for the Voorheesville Public Library will be held in the library community room on May 19, at 7 p.m., during the regular meeting of the Board of Trustees.
Story time
Preschoolers through second grade, come celebrate National Children’s Book Week with Miss Amy on Saturday, May 17, at 10:15 a.m. Miss Amy will share her favorite children’s books, songs, rhymes and a fun art activity.
Book club
This spring, librarian Debbie Sternklar will hold Middle School Book Club meetings at 2:30 p.m., on the fourth Thursday of each month. Books can be picked up and registration completed at the public library or the high school library where the club meets. Refreshments will be served. We will be discussing Life As We Knew It by Susan Beth Pfeffer on May 22.
It’s not too late….…
There is still time to join the tween advisory board. On May 9, at 4 p.m., the TAB will meet with librarian Debbie Sternklar to discuss fall programming. If you’re a tween interested in helping plan for the future, please stop by the library and let your voice be heard.
Services available
Now that spring is upon us, don’t forget the many services your local library has available for your use. Museum passes, nooks, audiobooks and playaways are just a few items that may help you enjoy your summer funtime even more. Stop by your local library and look around. You may be surprised at the changes since your last visit.
Children’s programming for May
Available during May are:
Miss Amy’s Circle Time, on Monday, May 12;
— Preschool story time, Tuesdays, May 13, 20 and 27.
Babygarten, on Thursday May 15;
Toddler Town, on Thursday, May 22;
Video game donations
The library is starting a videogame collection for children and tweens. If you’d like to help get this project off the ground, we will be accepting donations of console videogames that you’ve outgrown or beaten. Games not added to the library collection will be traded in to purchase needed titles. Donation receipts are available on request.
E-mail newsletter
The bookworm and e-mail will be combined into an electronic newsletter beginning June 1. If you would like to receive this e-newsletter, you can sign up on the library website. Go to www.voorheesvillelibrary.org and click on the small box labeled library email newsletter. If you don’t have internet access, call 765-2791 and we will put you on our mailing list.