Voorheesville Library Notes for Friday, January 8, 2016
If you still have an overdue Voorheesville Public Library item, you only have a few more days to save some cash. There will be amnesty through Jan. 10, for all returned Voorheesville items, no matter how late they are. Unfortunately, fine amnesty days does not apply to items borrowed from other libraries using inter-library or catalogue requests.
Fleece hats
On Saturday, Jan. 9, at 2 p.m., students in grades six and up are invited to learn how to make a simple fleece hat and get two hours of community service credit.
Beginning beaded jewelry
Adults and teens ages 14 and up can learn easy beading techniques on Thursday, Jan. 14, beginning at 5:30 p.m. You choose the project: necklaces, bracelets, or earrings. Try adding some wire-looped links or dangles to your project. Check out our beading books and magazines for inspiration. Please register online, and there will be a small materials fee.
Teen book club
The teen book club is a program sponsored by the library, and is held after school in the Voorheesville high school in the library. On Thursday, Jan. 14, at 2:30 to 3:25 p.m., we’ll be sharing what we’ve been reading on our own, and picking up copies of Carl Hiaasen’s “Skink — No Surrender” to read for the February meeting. New members are always welcome and snacks will be served. This program is for kids in grades six and up, please register at the school library, or online.
Friday, January 15 is a half-day of school. Why not spend it building a new Minecraft world? Program runs from 1 p.m. through 4 p.m. for grades six and up. Online registration is requested.
Story time
On Saturday, Jan. 16, following a 10:15 a.m. story time, parents and children pre-school to age 5 will explore and play at different stations using hands on science, technology, engineering, art and math, building not only their reading skills but their STEAM skills too. Stations will include snow making, melting ice, and marshmallow snowmen.
Food pantry donations
The library is a convenient drop spot for the New Scotland food pantry, which helps provide boxed and canned food, paper products, and basic personal care items to those in need within the town of New Scotland. For the month of January, the library will be giving away a new Snoopy library card for every two cans of food dropped in the pantry baskets, located next to the computer stations.
Program cancellation policy
If the Voorheesville schools are closed or delayed by two hours due to weather, all library morning programs will be cancelled. Call to check on afternoon or evening programs.
Collections or displays
Do you have a collection that you would be willing to display at the library? If so, we would love to talk to you. Give us a call at 765-2791 or drop in anytime. We are always looking for new and interesting displays.