Schoharie Library Notes for Thursday, June 4, 2020
By Although the Schoharie Library is still closed, we're holding clubs and activities for children and adults online. Check our Facebook events for more information and updates. To sign up to receive a link for online programs, contact or click the link to the sign-up sheet on our website, or on our Facebook page.
Online “UFO” Unfinished Object Club, Thursdays, June 4 and 18, atb3 p.m. It's always easier to work on a project when you've got company! Maybe we'll even finish something!
Online Storytime with Miss Heather on Fridays at 10 a.m. Interactive stories, songs, and activities! Have paper, crayons, and scissors ready. The theme for June 5 is “Talent Show.” Do you have a talent to share? Remember to sign up ahead so we can send you the link to join!
Online Writing Club
Join us every Monday at 6 pm. for a great chance to share and discuss your work with other writers.
Online Knitcetera Club
On Tuesdays, June 9 and 23 at 10:30 a.m. come work on knitting, crocheting, quilting, and embroidery projects, catch up with friends, enjoy some connection!
Online Social Media Marketing
On Tuesday, June 9 at 6:30 p.m. learn how to promote a business, organization, event, book, art, music, etc. with social media. The facilitator is Mohamed Baligh. Registration is required.
This project is supported by funds from the New York State Library’s Adult Literacy Library Services Program.
Online Books & Chocolate Club
On Wednesday, June 17, at 7 p.m. we’ll chat about what we’ve been reading, the books we’ve enjoyed, and get ideas for future reading
Library Services and Resources
— Wi-fi is available outside the building and in the parking lot;
— The book drop is closed, please hang onto your books till we reopen. No late fees will be charged as long as books are returned within 2 weeks of the library's re-opening.
— E-books, audio books, and e-magazines are available through Libby, Overdrive, and other links on the Schoharie Library and MVLS websites: and
— If you don't have a library card, you can get an instant library card for borrowing e-books, etc. at or in the Libby app at
— Teen audiobooks are available for free at;
— The Schoharie Library website has a page of resources which is frequently updated:;
— The Schoharie Library Facebook page has links to online events, stories read aloud, and more; and
— The library is getting ready to reopen and when we do, we plan to offer “curbside” pick up for books and a separate time for seniors and those who are immunocompromised to visit.
Please check our website for updates:
Upcoming Library and School Budget Vote
The Schoharie Central School budget vote for the 2020-21 fiscal year will be held on June 9 via absentee ballot due to the COVID-19 public health emergency. A proposition to increase the Schoharie Free Library Association’s annual budget by $10,000 per year will be included on the school budget ballot. For most taxpayers, this tax increase is about the price of a medium size ice cream cone and will allow us to continue to provide programming for all residents of the school district.
Voters will receive a postage prepaid absentee ballot that will include the Schoharie Free Library’s proposition. The absentee ballot must be returned by 5 p.m. on June 9, 2020 in order to be counted.