Middleburgh Library Notes for Wednesday, August 5, 2020

The Middleburgh Library is back to regular hours. Library staff will be in the building during our regular hours. We will continue to provide curbside service of library material. Order online or call anytime the library is open to schedule a time for pick-up.

Also, we will begin taking appointments for you to use a computer, make copies, or send a fax. In our effort to provide safe service, here are the rules: appointments for computer use will be for one half-hour and only two people will be allowed in the library at any one time. Masks or face coverings must be worn the entire time you’re in the building — absolutely no exceptions. Call us with your needs at 518-827-5142 and we will do everything we can to help you.

 Lego Challenge

Anytime on Aug. 10  Imagine Your Story: Lego Challenge (Online).  Monday's Love Legos? Get ready for our weekly Lego challenge. Join our Middleburgh Library Lego club on Facebook. Challenges will be posted on Monday mornings through August 20. Use your imagination and post a picture or video of your creation in the group. For all ages. 

Mystery Book

On Aug. 10 at 1:30 p.m. join us for  Nailed It- Mystery Box Teens Virtual Edition (Your house!)  Based on the Netflix show “Nailed It!”, try your hand at our Mystery Box Edition! We will provide the ingredients and picture in a take and make package. You will provide the creativity and fun!

Send us the pictures of your creations and we will judge and vote on them! With your permission we will post the pictures on our Facebook page!  This class is part of our Imagine Your Story summer reading program and is for teens going into 6 grade through 12. Registration is required.

Broad meets

On Aug. 10 at 6 p.m. the Library Board of Trustees will meet.


On Aug. 11 at 10:45 a.m. Stay at Home Storytime with Miss Terry for an interactive storytime on Zoom. This weekly event is perfect for little ones ages 0-5 and their caregivers. Please have your children bring a stuffed animal with them so that we can "Throw our Teddy Bears"!  Registration required. Zoom can be accessed on your computer, laptop, tablet or phone. You do not have to have the Zoom app installed to attend. After you register you will be given the join link. If you have difficulties, please call the library at 518-827-5142.   

Virtual Insight Meditation

On Aug. 11 at 5:15 p.m. our popular Insight Meditation group is meeting virtually!

What do you want most deeply? Seeing your life calmly and clearly helps answer this. Insight Meditation is a simple way to steady your mind, stop wandering in day-dreams, and end the suffering of troubling thoughts. Our group is a place to sit quietly in safety, supported by others; to allow understanding and compassion to arise; to encourage loving-kindness and patience. We welcome those with no experience to advanced mediators teens to seniors.

We will be using the Zoom platform for our meetings for the time being. Registration is required to receive the join link. You can use a computer/laptop, tablet or phone to access the meeting.

Movie Effects Workshop 

On Aug. 12 at 3 p.m. join educators from Mad Science of the Capital District  and create fake snow, engineer sound effects to make a story feel more real, and use flip animation to make a mini movie. Registration required.  For kids going into grades 3 to 5. This program is part of our Imagine Your Story Summer Reading Program. 

Book Bundles

Middleburgh Library Book Bundles! Are you having trouble finding books for yourself, your children, your parents or an elderly neighbor? Does your child love trucks, bugs, or super heroes? Are you interested in finding out more about knitting, drawing, or speaking another language? 

Let us help! Contact Rebecca at ryoung@mvls.info and let her know what you are looking for, she will research, gather and collect library material and you can pick up your book’s curbside!

Summer Reading

Page Turner Adventures - Daily - Big news! As part of our summer reading program we've partnered with Page Turner Adventures to keep your kids reading and entertained all summer long! From cooking to virtual science museum visits, see what this program has in store for your children this summer.

This 7-week program will be offered for free to all library patrons and will bring new and exciting adventures for preschoolers-teens, five days a week! Go to our Facebook page Monday-Friday beginning on July 6th for watch parties of the day's virtual programming.  Watch parties will happen each day at 8 and 10:00 a.m., 1 and 3 p.m.,  and 7 p.m.  No registration required.


Welcome to Fairies & Gnomes: Imagine Their Homes!  This is a summer learning project of the Mohawk Valley Library System, whose mission is to provide a summer of magical opportunities for families working together — using social-distancing guidelines and natural “found” materials — to build fairy and gnome homes at their own residences, on library lawns, in community parks and other local sites — wherever the shy and mystical “wood folk” might be found! In Middleburgh, you can build fairy and gnome homes in your yard, on nature paths, here in the gardens surrounding the library or the Dr. Best House and Medical Museum. Share your creations in our Facebook group 518 fairy homes.