Middleburgh Library Notes for Wednesday, June 9, 2021

On June 15, at 5:15 p.m. Virtual Insight Meditation will meet virtually.

 What do you want most deeply? Seeing your life calmly and clearly helps answer this.

Insight Meditation is a simple way to steady your mind, stop wandering in daydreams, and end the suffering of troubling thoughts. Our group is a place to sit quietly in safety, supported by others; to allow understanding and compassion to arise; to encourage loving-kindness and patience.

We welcome those with no experience to advanced mediators, teens to seniors. Registration is required. Please go to our website to register and receive the Zoom link.

Book Sale

On June 19 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.come to the Library Annual Book Sale. Stop in and get your books. We do have a lot of them for your choosing.

Summer Reading Program

 On June 19 sign up for Middleburgh Library Summer Reading Program from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. outside. Our theme this year is "Tails and Tales". Check out our website and Facebook page for times.

Facebook Page

Middleburgh Library Facebook Page - Check out this page for items we post for Hidden Items pictures, coloring pages, and craft kits you can pick up at the library.  Also our website @ middleburghlibrary.info for updated programs.

Please check our calendar on our website at www.middleburghlibrary.info for future programs.  Also, don't forget our Facebook page.