Middleburgh Library Notes for Friday, May 16, 2014
On Monday, May 19, at 6:30 p.m., the Middleburgh Library will offer Cooking by the Book: Your Choice. Do you love browsing through cookbooks and trying new recipes or cooking techniques? Do you enjoy sampling and sharing new dishes? Then hang onto your spatula! This month it will be your choice. Choose a recipe from a cookbook that you discover, and bring your creation, and the cookbook to the program to share. Registration is required.
Story time
On Tuesday, May 20 at 10:45 a.m., join us at the library for drop in story time. Get ready to move in this interactive story time designed especially for children up to age 5 and their caregivers. We’ll read books, sing songs, recite fingerplays, dance, and watch a short movie based on a weekly theme. No registration required.
On Tuesday, May 20, at 1 p.m., and every Tuesday at the same time, men and women are invited to come learn the game of Mahjong. No experience necessary; just a willingness to learn and have fun. No registration is necessary.
Book discussion
On Tuesday, May 20, at 7 p.m., join us at the library for a book discussion of Ethan Frome by Edith Wharton. Ethan Frome works his unproductive farm and struggles to maintain a bearable existence with his difficult, suspicious, and hypochondriac wife, Zeena. But when Zeena’s vivacious cousin enters their household as a hired girl, Ethan finds himself obsessed with her and with the possibilities for happiness she comes to represent. Books are available at the customer service desk. No registration is required.
Wednesday matinee
On Wednesday, May 21, at 7 p.m., join us for a showing of Labor Day rated PG-13. Depressed single mom Adele and her son Henry offer a wounded, fearsome man a ride. As police search town for the escaped convict, the mother and son gradually learn his true story as their options become increasingly limited. No registration is required and the popcorn is free.
Knitting Circle
On Thursday, May 22, at 1 p.m., the friendly ladies of the Knitting Circle meet to knit, crochet, embroider, quilt, and more. You can learn a new skill here or share your own special talents with others or just craft in the company of friends. Drop in anytime. No registration is required
On Thursday, May 22, at 7 p.m., come to the library for photography basics. Learn the basic functions of your digital camera. We will cover how and why your camera does what it does and what all of those buttons mean and do. In a second class we will get more in depth and do some practicing. Requirements: digital camera that has manual and/or presets, charged batteries, and your cameras manual. If you do not have your manual, please download and print one from the Internet. This class is presented by Shelly Wood of www.swoodstudios.com. Registration is required.
On Monday, May 26, at 7 p.m., join us for a concert with Bettman & Halpin. As a duo Bettman & Halpin create a fully acoustic, delightfully eclectic sound that is far greater than the sum of its parts. Together they weave a spell that takes the listener from up-tempo, down home fiddlin”, to soulful sorrowful ballads, to super hooky folk/pop with hooks and lyrics that will stick with you long after the concert is over. Tickets are available at the door. A $10 donation is suggested. Please use back entrance.
For more information, see our website at www.middleburghlibrary.info.