Middleburgh Library Notes for Wednesday, March 23, 2022
Do you have old family photographs, letters, diaries, or other precious items that you would like to preserve? You can learn about preserving them at a library presentation on March 26 at 11 a.m.
This presentation will discuss how to properly preserve your family’s important documents and photos. It will also provide tips on how to store, display, label, and handle these materials. Preserving these materials will assist family members, now or in the future, to retrace and reconstruct your family history.
This program is presented by Marietta Carr, the librarian at the Schenectady County Historical Society. Registration is required and space is limited.
Tech Savvy
On March 29 at 1 p.m. Tech Savvy - Buying & Selling on EBay, Craigslist and Amazon (on-line). Learn how to present items for sale and do business online. Presented by MicroKnowledge. Watch party at the library or watch from home. Signup: HYPERLINK "https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSccW3nr20g6xOjOm0mz487RuSxaddAL..." https://bit.ly/BuyingSellingeBayCraigslist3-29. Registration will be through the Schoharie Library so please click the link above to sign-up. Information and the Zoom link will be mailed to you.
Discovery Wednesdays
On March 30 at 11:30 a.m. join us for Discovery Wednesdays -Dino Science. Discovery Wednesday is a once a month exploration of STEAM topics for preschoolers. In March we'll be investigating dinosaurs! We'll read a couple of books and then play at stations around the room each with a different activity. We'll finish with a short film and a take home bag of goodies for at home discovery. Registration is required
Please check our calendar on our website at www.middleburghlibrary.info for future programs. Also, don't forget our Facebook page.