Bethlehem Library Notes for Monday, June 18, 2018
The Bethlehem Public Library would like to acknowledge the generosity of an anonymous Bethlehem family that has donated $10,000 to the Krakower Storch Technology Fund in honor of Naomi and Joseph Storch.
Family Technology Fund with a lump-sum donation of $Krakower-StorchAt the end of 2016, Joe and Naomi founded the 1,000, and pledged to match up to $1,000 of other donations to the fund each year for five years. The following year, the Friends of Bethlehem Public Library met that challenge.
The anonymous donation of $10,000 significantly increases the amount available to spend on new technologies for public use. Recent purchases include the Oculus Rift virtual reality system in the library Tech Room.
The fund was established in honor of Naomi and Joe’s parents, Judith and Stephen Krakower, Genie Storch, and Sam Storch, and their grandparents, the late Nathan and Rita Storch, and Sam Storch, Genie KrakowerThe fund was established in honor of Naomi and Joe’s parents, Judith and Stephen the late Israel and Betty Tenenbaum, the late Minnie and Eliot Storch, Richard and Eleanor Krakower, and Sonya Rose.
The library is so grateful to the Storch family for their efforts to strengthen and extend our current spending in this area. To donate to the Krakower-Storch Family Technology Fund, please contact Library Director Geoffrey Kirkpatrick at 518-439-9314, ext. 3022.
D.A.’s marijuana forum
This June, the Albany County District Attorney’s office has scheduled a series of public meetings to discuss marijuana laws with local communities. One of those meetings will take place at Bethlehem Public Library Wednesday, June 20, at 6 p.m. in the library Community Room. Earlier meetings have taken place at libraries in Albany, Berne and Guilderland.
According to the DA’s office, the meetings are “to give residents an opportunity to ask questions and discuss public safety concerns about marijuana legalization and the future of marijuana laws and prosecution.”
The public is also invited to take an online survey at to their opinions on the topic.
Topic of conversation
All aboard for the final Coffee and Conversation program until the series returns in the fall! This Friday, June 15, join us for “The Joy of Trains” at 1 p.m. Local author and entertainer Chuck Oates will tell stories, sing songs and share video clips celebrating the historic railroads of the American West.
The Coffee and Conversation series is co-sponsored by Bethlehem Senior Projects, Inc., and programs are free and open to everyone. The 60-minute program is followed by a coffee and social hour. The series is co-sponsored by Bethlehem Senior Projects, Inc.
Call 518-439-9314 or visit for more information.