Berne Library Notes for Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Submitted by Altamont Enterp... on Wed, 12/30/2020 - 00:41

A library year like no other. Adapting to swarms of changes climbing onto the pavement. Shutting physical doors to the public. Implementing curbside pick-up. Virtualizing, Zooming, GoToMeeting, Facebook live-ing. Establishing protocols for future in-house browsing, quarantining books, slapping down those blue tape strips and securing PPE. Oh, what a year.

A year to seize an opportunity for paying homage to forces intertwining, crisscrossing, and ultimately continuing to bring library services to the Berne community for nearly 59 years and counting.

As the Nov. 2, 1961 Knickerbocker News article reads, it all began when two women from the community, Mrs. Harold Lendrum and Mrs. Clifford Vincent, were talking about the new Town Hall being built. “Wonder what’ll happen to the old building?”

Feb. 24, 1962 shines bright. Why? It was Opening Day Ceremonies for the newly formed “Town of Berne Free Library.” The library’s history binders affirm that in less than four months the 400-square-foot building, formerly housing the town hall, becomes the town’s first library.

Located midway up the road by Fox Creek’s dam, just before the sharp left turn onto 443 heading west, this location served as the community’s library for seven years. When the building was knocked off its foundation, it launched one of many moves in the library’s journey.

A bookmark created for the opening event included a poem by Margaret O’Brien, a member of the first Library Board of Trustees the Berne Town Board appointed on Oct. 9, 1961.

This is your library,

With lots of good books

For young and old alike

And a reference nook.

Come as often as you can

To borrow any of our books,

Or just to browse around

And look — and look — and look!

Contributions of every sort from books to volunteers told the tale of a true community project involving individuals, town government, and many local organizations working together toward a common goal — a goal reached in a remarkably short time frame

 Jumping to the final days of 2020 and the pulsing events testing the Hilltowns and the world, the Berne Library stands strong with its unflagging mission to bring opportunities of lifelong learning and entertainment to the community it proudly serves.

Go all gutsy

With entertainment in mind, let’s hear it for the Word of the Month Club ringing in January 2021’s word party.

Focusing on their annual scrabble marathon, Charlotte eyes the triple word square, ready to make her move. Roxanne rolls the gong into Zoom view, and flings forth a mighty swing. All eyes turn to their screens. “Ready for January’s word?”

“Ready,” came the chorus of voices.

Roxanne peels back the purple seal to reveal “gutsy” in bold green letters. “It’s time to go all gutsy in 2021.” Roxanne smiles broadly.

“You want to take that dance class? Get gutsy and do it. Start work on your memoir? Hey, gutsy’s your middle name.”

Heads nod with glasses raised and voices singing out,  “Three cheers to go all gutsy in 2021!” 

Minecraft Monday

If you want to play with others on Minecraft Monday, call the library at 518-872-1246 for a link to the game.