Berne Library Notes for Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Marshall was excited for Sally’s upcoming Word of the Month Club’s celebration at their house on Dec. 30. Plans include a few Hogmanay (Scottish word for New Year’s Eve) traditions, including folk music, hooking arms in singing “Auld Lang Syne,” dancing, food and Redding the House — cleaning out the house and readying it for 2023.

Learning of Edinburgh’s three-day festival for ushering in the New Year, Sally wanted to claim some Hogmanay enthusiasm of her own. So, she decided to start her party on the 30th with all her new mates from the Word of the Month Club. 

Roxanne and the gang were all keen on the upcoming gathering as well. Their motto, emblazoned on their purple gong, reads: “Ever Curious, Ever Learning.”

“OK, Marshall, we have to be at Roxanne's by 7 for the announcement.”

“Yup, I’m ready when you are, Sally.”

They hopped in the car and got there just as Charlotte was heading toward the front of the room. “Hi there everybody. Hope your holiday celebrations were up to your liking. Cindy Leigh, the envelope, if you please.” Charlotte smiled as she held out her hand.

Cindy Leigh handed over the shiny gold envelope. With a mighty swing she gave the gong all she could muster to herald in the new word for the New Year swooping toward them.

After glancing at the paper, Charlotte looked up and declared January’s focus word. “And the winner is: Biophilia.”

With a few raised eyebrows from the crowd and some questioning looks Charlotte went on to explain: “Biophilia — a passionate love of life and all that is alive. Innate tendencies to connect with nature. There is even biophilic design in architecture. Striving to include natural elements like water features, indoor plantings, and views of nature in developing interior designs.”

Nods and smiles all around as they wrapped their heads around this new word.

“Raise your glasses to learn more and embrace biophilia. To biophilia, everyone.”

“Biophilia, here, here!”

On the drive home Sally was smiling. “I just loved hearing about that new word. Let’s order some books from the library when we get home tonight so we can learn some more about it. And we can peek at the scheduled activities coming up.”

“Sounds like a plan,” Marshall grinned as he glanced over at Sally.

Coming events

Here’s a wrap of their discoveries:

— Dec. 31, 11:30 a.m.: Kathy’s Noon Year’s Eve includes a countdown, balloon drop, party hats. and fun for the younger crowd;

— Dec. 31, 2 p.m.: Biweekly Pokemon Club rings in for those interested in sharing their interest in Pokemon;

— Jan. 3 of 2023, 10:30 a.m.: Lamb story time on Tuesday strolls in with a live visit from Emily’s lamb “Sir Lamb-A-Lot”;

— Jan. 4, 7 p.m.: First meeting in 2023 for the Friends group shines through as the Juried Photo Contest begins its final countdown for entries.

See you next year on the trail and here and there.