Berne Library Notes for Thursday, December 12, 2013
What’s on your bucket list? According to Merriam-Webster, a “bucket list” is a list of things that one has not done before but wants to do before dying. The phrase was popularized by the 2007 film with Morgan Freeman and Jack Nicholson. On my list is seeing a live moose in its natural environment. Of course, traveling to those locations will be the fun part.
If you have not yet visited the Berne Public Library at its new site, please put this on your list. In addition to many books, you will find movies on DVDs, audiobooks, and music CDs. New library cards with the library logo are being given to residents of Berne or Knox at no cost.
Movie night
Flying solo could be on the list. The film for movie night at the library is about a person who can fly with his own super powers. The movie is being shown on Friday, Dec. 13, at 7 p.m. There is no admission fee to this PG-13 rated movie. Refreshments will be served.
Story time
Story time is on Tuesday, Dec. 17, at 11 a.m. Preschool children and their caregivers are invited to manipulate the letter M. A merry moose will meet you at the library for stories, activities, and a craft. There will be no story time on Dec. 24 or 31. Story time will resume on Jan. 7.
There are a few leftovers from the move in October. If you loaned us a plastic bin to move books, please pick it up at the library during hours.
Quilt winner
At the grand opening, Terri Osterhout was chosen as the new owner of the children’s author quilt. Congratulations to Terri and thanks to Peg Hoagland, Phyllis Johnson, and Karen Schimmer for their work on the quilt.
Farewell to trustees
It is with regret that we say goodbye to Mary Kinnaird and Joan Mullen as library trustees. Both women were instrumental in the library’s move to a new building. Their community service as trustees will be missed. We thank them for their work and wish them the best in their future endeavors.
Trustees needed
If you are a Berne resident and your bucket list includes being on the board of a library, this is your opportunity. Contact the town clerk by e-mail at .