Berne Library Notes for Friday, November 1, 2013
Hats off to the volunteers, Friends of the Library, the town of Berne, the library trustees, the library staff, and those who contributed toward making the new Berne Public Library a reality. To celebrate the opening at our new location at 1763 Helderberg Trail, there is a ribbon cutting ceremony planned for Sunday, Nov. 17, at 2 p.m. All community members are invited to attend.
Board vacancies
The library trustees wear many hats including financial managers, policy developers, and library promoters. There will be two vacancies on the library board as of January 1, 2014. Residents of the town of Berne interested in serving on the board should contact Mary Kinnaird at or Pat Favreau at by Nov. 18. Consider throwing your hat into this ring of committed volunteers.
Teen group
The staff would be talking through their hats if they said they knew exactly what teens want at the library. The TAG (teen action group) was established to find out what teens really think and then to act on these ideas. These TAG happenings occur on the first Friday of the month. Interested teens should plan to meet with Kathy on Nov. 1, at 6:30 p.m.
Book club
The book club for adults is Sunday, Nov. 3, at 7 p.m. The group will be discussing The Forgotten Garden by Kate Morgan. I'll eat my hat if the conversation about this novel is not stimulating. New members are always welcome even if you have not read the book.
Story time
Hang on to your hat! Story time this week is featuring the letter H. Preschool children and their caregivers are invited to wear their favorite hats on Tuesday, Nov. 5. Join Kathy at 11 a.m. for stories, activities, and a craft. Perhaps you will see her pull a rabbit out of a hat!
Friends meet
The Friends of the Berne Library have been known to lend assistance at the drop of a hat. Their monthly meeting is in the community room of the new library on Wednesday, Nov. 6. The meeting begins at 7:30 p.m. The main topics this month include the ribbon cutting ceremony on Nov. 17 and a book sale tentatively scheduled for Nov. 23.
Movie night
Family Movie Night at the library takes place on Friday, Nov. 8, at 7 p.m. We will be showing a newly released movie on DVD that is rated PG. The title is being kept under my hat but you can contact the library at 872-1246 for more information. Refreshments will be served.
If you know additional idioms about hats, e-mail them to Just be sure they are not old hat.