Berne Library Notes for Thursday, October 13, 2016
Even while we are enjoying the fall foliage in the Hilltowns, our chores focus on preparing for winter. The last produce in the garden is harvested, especially the squash and pumpkins, and the garlic is planted. Our houses are prepared for cold temperatures and wood is cut and split.
The structure of a house supports it through winter storms. The brain also has interconnecting structures, but these support learning. On Friday, Oct. 14 the teen action group will be making a video that demonstrates neural connections in the brain. Teens should meet Ms. Kathy at 6:30 p.m. for some fun with Legos and a camcorder. The winning prize is a pizza party.
Knit Wits
Now is the time to knit or crochet warm hats, scarves, and sweaters for the winter. Knit Wits is at 7 p.m. on Sunday, Oct. 16. Bring your own project and share ideas, problems, solutions, and conversation with other adults.
Story time
Children ages 1 to 5 and their caregivers are invited to story time at 10:30 a.m. on Tuesdays. Join Ms. Kathy on Oct. 18 to investigate pumpkins. This pre-literacy program includes stories, activities, and pumpkin decorating.
Author visit
How do animals deal with the winter? Find out from Abbie Bowker, co-author and illustrator of “Woolly Bear Winter: How North Woods Creatures Weather the Cold.” Abbie is traveling from Vermont to Berne for an author visit at 1 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 22. Abbie will lead a workshop on creating a nature inspired poem after a reading of her book. All ages are welcome.
Quilt making
Snuggling up with a quilt is one way that humans deal with the cold. Jane McLean created a display of quilt making techniques using the pieces from Mary Browne's grandmother in-law. These hoops are currently on exhibit in the community room of the library. Jane also used some of the quilt pieces to make quality aprons. As of this writing, six of twelve unique aprons have been sold to benefit the Friends of the Berne Library. Visit to see what is still available.
Photography contest
The Friends of the Library will be holding a photography contest in the winter but you may want to take some pictures now. The four categories are Joy of Reading, Reflections & Shadows, Hill-towners, and Down on the Farm. The colors displayed this time of the year provide material for some great shots. If you have not seen the flowering burst of colors at the entrance to the library, fit in a visit before the frost. Thanks to Ann Hein, Becky Waldenmaier, Zenie Gladieux, and the Friends for the beautiful display.