Berne Library Notes for Wednesday, September 7, 2022
Take a few moments to add these events to your library radar for September as another school year flies in for a landing. First is Kathy’s Library Outside movie night on Sept. 10 at 7 p.m. Saturday’s feature tells the continuing story of those little yellow pill-shaped henchmen who are ever loyal to Gru - supervillain wannabe.
If you’ve seen any of the first four installments, you’ll want to check this newest story with minions, Gru, and his rise to supervillain status plans. Gotta love those fashionable goggle wear-gear worn by the minion squad, right?
Members mingle
Next on the agenda of library calendar reminders is the fall start up of Book Club and Knit Wits, both run by Jodi Ebel. The return to Book Club meet-ups begin Sunday, Sept. 11, at 5 p.m. This is their “summer’s over, fall’s a startin’” mingle. Members gather to share their summer reading successes and kick off new titles to pursue for the upcoming months.
The gathering will be twofold, with the addition of a celebration for the Adult Summer Reading participants. Intel says there will be raffles and possible snacks for the evening.
As for the Knit Wits joining forces once again, they continue their lofty 500-hats goal, which was launched at the beginning of 2022. The game plan is to gather 500 handmade hats to be distributed to Hilltown community members before the winter season knocks us off our feet.
All who share the joy of yarn crafts are welcome to join in for the third-Sunday-of-the-month get-togethers as well as contributing to the 500 hats project. Questions about book club or Knit Wits? Call Jodi Ebel, at 518-860-4494.
Jot those dates down. September Book club at 5 p.m. on the 11th. Knitwits at 7 p.m. on the 18th.
Story time
Also, starting back up is story time Tuesdays at 10:30 a.m. First up on Sept. 13 is the fun of bike riding. New bike helmets will be handed out at this wheelie fun bike story time peddling into view.
Incrediable Heldercon
One huge event that has been in the planning stages for months is the Incrediable Heldercon. This free family-fun event is in the starting gate for Sept. 17 from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Marking their fifth successful year full of door prizes, costume parades, balloon animals, food trucks, game, and more, the committee is hoping for another fine turnout. Be sure to add it to your events calendar. Until next time, happy adventuring.