Berne Library Notes for Wednesday, August 18, 2021

— Photo from Kathy Stempel

The giraffe at the Berne Library was made out of flip-flops found on the beach.

Books in the Barnyard at the Altamont Fair. On Sunday, Aug. 22, the Berne Public Library folks have a spot squared out near the baby chicks building. Take a few moments to visit and listen to a chicken tale or two.

Before scuttling along, remember to get your take-home freebies courtesy of the library: lollipops, a book, and a magnet while supplies last.


Also available for your interactive pleasure is the monthly Book/Hike scheduled on Aug. 22 from 1 to 2 p.m. Call the library for exact place details. You can also keep watch on the library’s Facebook page for upcoming events.

Animal Barnyard

Monday, Aug. 23 is the third installment of the library’s Live Animal Barnyard series. Meet Mary’s Chickens between 6 and 7 p.m. outside the library. Does it surprise you to learn there are more chickens on planet earth than any other bird species in the world? See Mary’s Chickens on the 23rd and perhaps you’ll discover a few other chicken trivia nuggets.

Summer Reading

The summer reading program, Tails and Tales, is winding towards the finish line. Keep those reading tallies going strong.

Every Friday the visiting giraffe greets visitors with an invitation to guess her name. One young eye-sparkling little lady gushed, “I love seeing the giraffe when I come in cuz then I know it’s Friday, the day the giraffe always visits.”

You have a few more Fridays to get a peek at the flip-flop sculptured giraffe and submit your guess of her name before the Reptile Adventure program’s summer reading wrap-up in September.

Questions? Call 518-872-1246, check the library's website or Facebook page for more details on eventful library happenings.

As always, thank you for joining in.