Berne Library Notes for Friday, May 23, 2014
According to U.S. Representative Doc Hastings, the spirit of Memorial Day has not changed. It remains a day to honor those who died defending our freedom and democracy. The Kiwanis Club acknowledges this sacrifice by organizing Memorial Day Parades in Berne and Knox. The town of Berne parade begins at the Hilltown Senior Center at 9:30 a.m., on Monday, May 26. Route 443 will be closed for this event so please plan accordingly.
Library closed
The library will be closed on Monday, May 26, in observance of Memorial Day, but, you will see our float in the parade. Please join us in honoring our fallen heroes by attending the parade and ceremonies. Story time kids are invited to ride on the library float. Be at the senior center no later than 9:15 a.m. dressed in red, white, and blue.
Book club
Hostages and their captors are the subject of this month’s book club novel. Read Bel Canto by Ann Patchett in order to contribute to the conversation. The group will be discussing the book on Sunday, June 2, at 7 p.m.
Story time
On Tuesday, May 27, join us for story time at 11 a.m. Preschool children and their caregivers are invited to join Ms. Kathy in exploring tadpoles. Real tadpoles will be held captive briefly for children to observe. Stories, activities, and a craft are all part of this literacy program.
Many thanks
The library staff feels gratitude daily. Thanks to Amy Anderson for lending her talents to our oil art workshop last week. Thanks to Avery Stempel for leading the sessions of the Together Book Talk for Kids and Parents. Thanks to the Friends of the Berne Library for their financial support. The indoor miniature golf fund-raiser was possible because of contributions from many community members.
This weekend we are especially thankful for members of our armed services. We salute those soldiers who laid down their lives to preserve our freedoms.