The Little Free Library at the Tawasentha Park Pool is now open. The library is a collaboration among the town of Guilderland, the Altamont Free Library, and the Guilderland Public Library. Park users can help themselves to a book, and can also drop off  books for others to take. Pictured, from left, are Guilderland Public Library Director Tim Wiles; Altamont Free Library Director Joe Burke; and Linda Cure, public relations officer for the Parks and Recreation Department of the town of Guilderland.

The always popular free summer concert series continues at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, Aug. 2. Join us in Orsini Park for a performance by Scotty Mac’s Roadshow. Blues Hall of Famer Scotty Mac, a local favorite, plays blues, classic rock, and British Invasion tunes that the whole family will love. In the event of rain, this and all of our other concerts will be relocated to the pavilion at Bozenkill Park.

Next up, on Aug. 9, please join us for our final concert of the season as we hear from the Tommy Verrigni Trio, playing standards, smooth jazz, pop, rock and R&B.

Find Marathon Monkey

We’ll also need everybody’s help to find Ms. Marathon Monkey, who’s gotten lost in Altamont on her way to the Olympics. She’s been spotted at the Home Front Café, Bella Fleur, and Hungerford Market, but we hear that she’s changing her location every week, so please be on the lookout.

You can find a clue as to her whereabouts in the library or on our Facebook page. If you do find her, let us know and you’ll be entered to win a special prize at the end of the summer reading program.

Video editing workshop

Lights, Camera, Action! Next week we’ll be holding a video editing class at the library on Thursday, Aug. 4 from 1 to 3 p.m. for aspiring photographers and filmmakers ages 7 to 14. This free event will demonstrate the technique of stop motion animation using legos, smartphone cameras (which we’ll supply) and the Lego Movie Maker app. Seats in the workshop are limited please call or email us at to register in advance.

On Your Mark, Get Set, Craft!

Every Olympian needs a flag and you can make one of your very own with the Tang Teaching Museum on Wednesday, Aug. 10 at 4 p.m.. All ages are welcome.

We’re open

It’s always seemed odd to us that so many places are closed on Sundays in the summer. The Altamont Library has always been closed on Sundays in July and August, but people still need books, movies and internet access, and parents still need air-conditioned places to bring the kids on summer Sundays.

Therefore, this year we’re going to try something new: We’re going to stay open. The Altamont Free Library will be keeping its’ 2 to 5 p.m. schedule in July and August to see whether it makes sense to make this change permanent. We hope you’ll come out to visit us.

— Photo by Mike Seinberg

Castle Breitenbach — the home of Thom and Deborah Breitenbach — was the setting for Saturday’s Victorian Garden Party in celebration of the Altamont Free Library’s centennial.. Pictured are Congressman Paul Tonko, Altamont Mayor Jim Gaughan, Deborah Barnes-Breitenbach, Albany County Executive Dan McCoy, AFL Board President Yvette Terplak, Thom Breitenbach, AFL Director Joe Burke, Albany County Legislator Travis Stevens, and Guilderland Supervisor Peter Barber.

This week, we will be observing the official Centennial of the chartering of the Altamont Free Library. Our library was founded 100 years ago, and though much has changed in the village and the world, some things have not. The Altamont Free Library was then, is now, and always will be a community space first and foremost, a place where people can come to meet their educational, entertainment, and enrichment needs, whatever those might be.

We were then and are now here for you in every stage of life. As we did 100 years ago, we welcome and respect all who walk through our doors. Please join us for a special anniversary concert in Orsini Park on Tuesday July 26 (details below). We look forward to sharing this celebration of our last 100 years and our next 100 years with you all!

Quidditch in McKownville Park

Just in time for the publication of “Harry Potter and the Cursed Child” we're playing Quidditch on Thursday, July 21 at 2 p.m. (rain date, July 28)! Children 10 and up are invited to join us at Fred Abele (McKownville) Park (please call for directions). We’ll need seekers, chasers, and beaters to try and catch the golden snitch so please call to register in advance. Bring your own broom.

Author talk

Also on Thursday, July 21 at 6:30 p.m., please join us for a visit from local author Keith W. Willis. Keith will present excerpts from his award-winning debut novel, “Traitor Knight” and discuss his fascinating work. Copies of “Traitor Night” will be available for sale and signing at the event, which is free and open to the public.

Chalk the walk

To celebrate our 100th anniversary, on Tuesday, July 26 we’re inviting all our friends to leave the library birthday messages in chalk on our sidewalk. Stop on in any time, and let the library know how you feel about it, share a book recommendation, sign your name or draw a picture, it’s up to you.

Centennial concert and cake

The always popular free summer concert series continues at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, July 26. Join us in Orsini Park for a performance by Marty Wendell and his Tour Band. This will be a particularly special concert for us, since it will fall on the actual anniversary of the library’s chartering in 1916.

We’ll be singing “Happy Birthday” to our library and celebrating with cake for all attendees.  In the event of rain, this and all of our other concerts will be relocated to the pavilion at Bozenkill Park. Next up, on Aug. 2, we’ve got Blues Hall of Fame inductee Scotty Mac and his band playing blues and classic rock.


The summer reading program is in full swing. It is a super fun series of free events and programs at the Altamont Free Library that celebrate reading, fitness, and summer fun.

If you haven’t signed up yet, swing by the library to grab your schedule of summer reading events and a bingo card to help you keep track of your reading and other activities to win awesome prizes.

We’ll also need everybody’s help to find Ms. Marathon Monkey, who’s gotten lost in Altamont on her way to the Olympics. The library is the place to be this summer, so get in the game and read.


The always popular free summer concert series continues at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, July 19.  Join us in Orsini Park for a performance by Jon Ouckama, a versatile guitarist who uses looping pedals to create upbeat original songs and innovative takes on well known covers. In the event of rain, concerts will be relocated to Bozenkill Park.

Quidditch in McKownville Park

Just in time for the publication of “Harry Potter and the Cursed Child” we're playing Quidditch on Thursday, July 21, at 2 p.m. (rain date, July 28).  Children 10 and up are invited to join us at Fred Abele (McKownville) Park (please call for directions).

We’ll need seekers, chasers and beaters to try and catch the golden snitch so please call to register in advance. Bring your own broom!

Author visit

On Thursday, July 21, at 6:30 p.m., please join us for a visit from local author Keith W. Willis. Keith will present excerpts from his novel, “Traitor Knight” and discuss his fascinating work. Copies of the book will be available for sale and signing at the event, which is free and open to the public.


As many of you know, this summer marks the 100th anniversary of the formation of the Altamont Free Library! On July 16, we will be holding a garden party for the donors to our Centennial Fund. There is still time to make your donation to ensure that your library will be able to continue to thrive at the heart of our community for the next 100 years.

For more information, please give me a call at 861-7239 or email me at . If you’re not able to join us for the party, don’t worry: We’ll be having a Centennial Celebration in Orsini Park on Tuesday, July 26 in conjunction with that evening’s concert by Mary Wendell and his Tour Band and everyone is invited.

Summer Sundays

It’s always seemed odd to us that so many places are closed on Sundays in the summer. This year we’re going to try something new: We’re going to stay open. The Altamont Free Library will be keeping its’ 2 to 5 p.m. schedule in July and August to see whether it makes sense to make this change permanent. We hope you’ll come out to visit us.


The Altamont Free Library will continue its Sunday hours, from 2 to 5 p.m., throughout the summer months of July and August. It will be the only public library in Albany County with Sunday hours during the summer and one of the only such libraries in Upstate New York.

Hours and other details about the summer program offerings can be viewed at the library’s website at

Reading program

The summer reading program is in full swing with a super fun series of free events and programs at the library that celebrate reading, fitness, and summer fun.

If you haven’t signed up yet, swing by the library to grab your schedule of summer reading events and a bingo card to help you keep track of your reading and other activities to win awesome prizes. This summer, we’ll be having Maker Mondays, fun science experiments, cool crafts, great games (like Quidditch!), stop-motion animation workshops, movies and much more.

We’ll also need everybody’s help to find Ms. Marathon Monkey, who’s gotten lost in Altamont on her way to the Olympics. The library is the place to be this summer, so get in the game and read.

Stories with South Paw

As part of our summer reading program, on Tuesday, July 12 at 1 p.m., we will have a visit from a special guest, South Paw, the Tri-City ValleyCats mascot. SouthPaw and his friends will read stories and talk about the importance of physical fitness, healthy living and teamwork. All young friends in attendance will receive a voucher for two free tickets to the Aug. 22 ValleyCats game.

Rusticator concert

The always popular free summer concert series continues at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, July 12. Join us in Orsini Park for a performance by Rusticator, a locally-based acoustic band playing rock and country in the style of the Avett Brothers and Wilco.

In the event of rain, this and all of our other concerts will be relocated to the pavilion at Bozenkill Park. Next up, on July 19, we’ve got Jon Ouckama, a versatile guitarist who uses looping pedals to create upbeat original songs and innovative takes on well known covers.


As many of you know, this summer marks the 100th anniversary of the formation of the Altamont Free Library! On July 16, we will be holding a garden party for the donors to our Centennial Fund. There is still time to make your donation to ensure that your library will be able to continue to thrive at the heart of our community for the next one hundred years.

For more information, please give me a call at 861-7239 or e-mail me at . If you’re not able to join us for the party, don’t worry: We’ll be having a Centennial Celebration in Orsini Park on Tuesday, July 26 in conjunction with that evening’s concert by Mary Wendell and his Tour Band and everyone is invited.


— Photo by Ron Ginsburg

No, it’s not Big Bird; it’s a volunteer from the Altamont free Library publicizing the library’s annual chicken barbecue on Friday.

We here at the library would like to offer our sincere thanks to everyone who came out for our annual chicken barbecue last Friday evening. It was a beautiful evening to spend out in Orsini Park and I hope that you all enjoyed it as much as we did.

Special thanks are due to Dan Capuano for organizing the event, to the Traditional Strings for providing excellent music to eat by, and to all of the volunteers who helped prepare, cook and serve the meals. We couldn’t do it without you.

Now that the barbecue is done, that must mean that it’s time for another awesome celebration in Orsini Park.

Summer reading

It’s just about time for the summer reading program. The summer reading program is a super fun series of free events and programs at the Altamont Free Library that celebrate reading, fitness, and summer fun.

Join us on Wednesday, June 29 at 4 p.m. and take part in a torch relay and the lighting of the summer reading flame and climb up on the winner’s platform. Register for the summer reading program and get your BINGO sheet to keep track of your reading and earn prizes. There’ll be fun for the whole family so please join us.

Summer Sundays: We’re open!

It’s always seemed odd to us that so many places are closed on Sundays in the summer. The Altamont Library has always been closed on Sundays in July and August, but people still need books, movies, and internet access, and parents still need air-conditioned places to bring the kids on summer Sundays.

Therefore, this year we’re going to try something new: We’re going to stay open. The Altamont Free Library will be keeping its’ 2 to 5 p.m. schedule in July and August to see whether it makes sense to make this change permanent. We hope you’ll come out to visit us.

Africa potluck

Please join us on Monday, June 27 at 7 p.m. for another in our series of fantastic Eat Around the World Potluck suppers. This month we’re letting you choose the African country or region you want to represent.

Choose a favorite recipe you’ve made before or one from a country that we haven’t gotten around to yet. There are so many fantastic countries to choose from, from Egypt and Morocco to Ethiopia, Kenya and Mozambique your choices are nearly endless. Don’t forget to bring a dish to share, and if you don’t already have a favorite African recipe, you can always pick up a cookbook here.

Weathering Stormy Investment Seas

The beginning of the summer is the perfect time to get your finances straight and a great place to start is at the library. Please join us on Tuesday, June 28, at 6 p.m. for a workshop called Weathering Stormy Investment Seas. In this presentation, Carol VanValkenburgh, a representative of Foresters Financial will discuss how to make sure that your savings and investments are secure even during the most volatile markets.


— Photo from Joe Burke

Rite of passage: First-graders in Colleen Ciccarelli’s class at Altamont Elementary School visit the Altamont Free Library on June 13 to get their very own library cards.

When I applied for the job of Altamont Free Library director, I was told in my interview that, if I got the job, I might have to dress up in a chicken costume at some point. I smiled politely, not sure whether or not that was supposed to be a joke. Well, I got the job and now I know that it was not a joke. We own a chicken costume and I and several good-natured trustees are going to take turns wearing it.

Why are we going to be wearing a chicken costume?

You probably already know the answer, but of course it’s to spread the word about the AFL’s famous chicken barbecue, is tomorrow, Friday, June 17. Tickets for the barbecue are available now at the library and you should get them soon, because this event always sells out.

Tickets are $9 before the event ($10 the day of the barbecue, if there are any left) and you can sign up for either of two servings, at 5 p.m. or at 6 p.m. For that, you’ll get a half-chicken, a baked potato, coleslaw, a roll, a drink and a brownie.

If you let us know ahead of time, we can even make you a vegetarian option. Once you’ve got your dinner, you can bring it home to eat or spread out on the lawn in Orsini Park with your friends and neighbors and listen to Knox’s own Traditional Strings band.

So, be sure to look out for my friends and I dressed in a chicken suit along Main Street. And be sure to join us on June 17.

Beyond that, there’s a bunch of other neat things coming up in the next few weeks.

Book discussion

On Monday June 20,  at 7 p.m., the Penultimate Monday Book group will meet to discuss the “The Beekeeper’s Apprentice (Or the Segregation of the Queen)” by Laurie R. King. This is the first book in King’s phenomenal mystery series following the life as cases of Sherlock Holmes’ protégé Mary Russell. In this novel, Russell first meets an aging Sherlock who finds himself in danger from an old foe.


Please join us on Wednesday, June 22, at 6:30 p.m. to learn about the lives of garment workers in Bangladesh and their campaign to improve their working conditions through a fascinating and affecting documentary film. The movie will be followed by a discussion of the film led by labor organizer Greg Giorgio.

Africa potluck

Please join us on Monday, June 27 at 6 p.m. for another in our series of fantastic Eat Around the World Potluck suppers. This month we’re letting you choose the African country or region you want to represent. Choose a favorite recipe you’ve made before or one from a country that we haven’t gotten around to yet. There are so many fantastic countries to choose from: Egypt or Morocco to Ethiopia, Kenya or Mozambique. Your choices are nearly endless. Don’t forget to bring a dish to share, and if you don’t already have a favorite African recipe, you can always pick up a cookbook here.

Financial info

The beginning of the summer is the perfect time to get your finances straight and a great place to start is at the library. Please join us on Tuesday, June 28, at 6 p.m. for a workshop called Weathering Stormy Investment Seas. In this presentation, Carol VanValkenburgh, a representative of Foresters Financial will discuss how to make sure your savings and investments are secure even during the most volatile markets.

Opening ceremony

It’s just about time for the summer reading program. The summer reading program is a super fun series of free events and programs at the library that celebrate reading, fitness, and summer fun. Join us on Wednesday, June 29, at 4 p.m. and take part in a torch relay and the lighting of the summer reading flame and climb up on the winner’s platform. Register for the summer reading program and get your BINGO sheet to keep track of your reading and earn prizes. There’ll be fun for the whole family.


Father’s Day is coming up. Please join us on Tuesday, June 14 at 3 p.m. to make a Father’s Day card that your dad or grandpa is sure to love. We’ll have all the materials you need to make a unique handcrafted gift for your favorite guy.

Chicken barbecue

It’s almost June, which means that it’s almost time for our famous annual chicken barbecue fundraiser on Friday June 17, with servings at 5 and 6 p.m. This highly anticipated event offers library trustees and volunteers the opportunity to play top chef for you all. We’ll also be breaking out the library’s chicken costume for the occasion.

Tickets are on sale now at the library and cost $9 in advance or $10 the day of the event. Every ticket gets you a dinner which includes a half chicken, baked potato, coleslaw, roll, drink and brownie. A  vegetarian option is also available for pre-order, if you prefer. Once you’ve got your dinner, you can either take it home with you or spread out on the lawn in Orsini Park with your friends and neighbors and listen to the always enjoyable Traditional Strings.

Movie viewing and discussion

Please join us on Tuesday, June 21,  at 6:30 p.m. to learn about the lives of garment workers in Bangladesh and their campaign to improve their working conditions through this fascinating and affecting documentary film. The movie will be followed by a discussion of the film led by labor organizer Greg Giorgio.

Opening ceremony

It’s just about time for the summer reading program. The summer reading program is a super fun series of free events and programs at the Altamont Free Library that celebrate reading, fitness, and summer fun. Join us on Wednesday, June 29, at 4 p.m. and take part in a torch relay and the lighting of the summer reading flame and climb up on the winner's platform.
Register for the summer reading program and get your bingo sheet to keep track of your reading and earn prizes. There’ll be fun for the whole family.

On Monday, June 6, the Noon Book Club will meet to discuss The “High Mountains of Portugal” the new novel by Yann Martel. Martel wrote the modern classic “The Life of Pi,” and fans of that novel will also love “The High Mountains of Portugal,” which shares many themes in common with his previous best seller. We’ve got plenty of copies set aside, so please join us for what will certainly be a phenomenal discussion.

Card craft

Father’s Day is coming up. Please join us on Tuesday, June 14, at 3 p.m., to make a Father’s Day card that your dad or grandpa is sure to love. We’ll have all the materials you need to make a unique handcrafted gift for your favorite guy.

Chicken barbecue

It’s almost June, which means that it’s almost time for our famous annual chicken barbecue fundraiser on Friday June 17, with servings at 5 and 6 p.m. This highly anticipated event offers library trustees and volunteers the opportunity to play Top Chef for you all. (We’ll also be breaking out the library’s chicken costume for the occasion.) We’ve already had a ton of people in at the library asking for tickets, which will be available starting this week or early next week. Every ticket gets you a dinner which includes a half chicken, baked potato, coleslaw, roll, drink, and brownie. There’s also a vegetarian option available for pre-order, if you prefer. Once you’ve got your dinner, you can either take it home with you or spread out on the lawn in Orsini Park with your friends and neighbors and listen to the always enjoyable Traditional Strings.


This Sunday is Memorial Day, a day we set aside to remember the brave men and women to have given their lives in defense of their country.

It is also a day when we can reflect on the sacrifices made by the soldiers, sailors, and Marines currently serving in the armed forces, as well as our veterans and the families and loved ones of our service members.

From all of us at Altamont Free Library, many thanks to you all. In observance of Memorial Day, the library will be closed this coming Monday, May 30.

In the meantime, here are a few other neat things going on over the next few weeks.  

Healthy and tasty

Did you ever want to make delicious, healthy food from vegetables you can grow yourself? Please join us on Tuesday, May 31,  at 3 p.m. for a fun event for 4 to 7 year olds based on the book “Plants Feed Me” by Lizzy Rockwell.

Led by master gardeners Ronnie Siegel and Virginia Dorwaldt of the Cornell Cooperative Extension, this program will be limited to seven children, so please call the library at  861-7239 to register in advance.

Book discussion

On Monday, June 6 , the Noon Book Club will meet to discuss “The High Mountains of Portugal” the new novel by Yann Martel. Martel wrote the modern classic “The Life of Pi,” and fans of that novel will also love his new novel, which shares many themes in common with his previous best seller.

We’ve got plenty of copies set aside, so please join us for what will certainly be a phenomenal discussion.


Chicken barbecue

It’s almost June, which means that it’s almost time for our famous annual chicken barbecue fundraiser on Friday June 17, with servings at 5 and 6 p.m. This highly anticipated event offers library trustees and volunteers the opportunity to play top chef for you all. (We’ll also be breaking out the library’s chicken costume for the occasion.)

We’ve already had a ton of people in at the library asking for tickets, which will be available starting this week or early next week. Every ticket gets you a dinner which includes a half chicken, baked potato, coleslaw, roll, drink, and brownie.

There’s also a vegetarian option available for pre-order, if you prefer. Once you’ve got your dinner, you can either take it home with you or spread out on the lawn in Orsini Park with your friends and neighbors and listen to the always enjoyable Traditional Strings.


This weekend, the Altamont Free Library will be marching in the Altamont Memorial Day Parade. We will join with so many other members of the Altamont community to say a heartfelt thank-you to our veterans and to remember the hundreds of thousands of soldiers, sailors, and Marines who gave their lives in the United States armed forces.

To really make our presence known, we’re going to need folks to march with us and make some noise for their library. If you’re interested, give us a call at  861-7239 or e-mail me at .

In the meantime, here are a few other neat things going on over the next few weeks.  

Springtime bird walk

On Sunday, May 21, our own Dan Capuano will once again lead a bird watching expedition along the Battenkill.  Please join us at 9 a.m. here at the library for a one-hour walk to see what we can see and learn about our bird neighbors.

We’ll have a few extra sets of binoculars, if you’d like to use them and first-timers and young folks are encouraged to attend.

United Nations potluck

Please join us at 6 p.m. on Monday, May 23,. for another in our series of fantastic Eat Around the World Potluck suppers. This month we’re letting you choose the country or region you want to represent.

Choose a favorite recipe you’ve made before or one from a country that we haven’t gotten around to yet. Don’t forget to bring a dish to share, and if you don’t already have a favorite recipe, you can always pick up a cookbook here.

Fun, food event

Did you ever want to make delicious, healthy food from vegetables you can grow yourself? Please join us on Tuesday, May 31, at 3 p.m. for a fun event for 4 to 7 year-olds based on the book “Plants Feed Me” by Lizzy Rockwell.

Led by master gardeners Ronnie Siegel and Virginia Dorwaldt of the Cornell Cooperative Extension, this program will be limited to seven children, so please call the library at 861-7239 to register in advance.

