Altamont Library Notes for Thursday, December 12, 2013
The Enterprise — James E. Gardner
On track for the library: Kevin Efaw, the food and beverage director at The Cider House restaurant and a graduate of the Culinary Institute of America, has created a gingerbread replica of the Altamont Free Library, once a train station, is five feet long. It is roofed with over 630 York Peppermint Pattie shingles, topped with a cupola built of Kit Kats. Decorations, including coconut snow and doughnut train wheels, were completed by Dan and Jim Abbruzzese and their children and Efaw’s children as well. The station will be on display at The Cider House at Orchard Creek on Dunnsville Road through Feb. 8. As a fund-raiser for the library, chances will be sold for $5 a ticket at the Cider House. The drawing will take place during the Altamont Library Gala at the village hall on Feb. 8.
This month’s wall display in the Altamont Free Library’s meeting room features pastel works from artist Christine Capuano. A more tightly focused description would note that the works are views of that portion of the Helderberg escarpment visible from the artist’s studio.
They are softly colored, lovely, and true to life — their own life, place, and arrangement.
Once upon a time
Library intern Adam Hoffman lists folk tales, finding them and telling them as one of his heartfelt hobbies. On Friday, Dec. 20, at 4 p.m., Hoffman will mine the rich storytelling tradition of Upstate New York, offering his own tell tale versions of folklore spanning from the Hudson Valley to the Adirondacks. All ages are encouraged to attend.
A deal’s a deal
December’s Pot Luck Around the World is something new. We won’t be traveling to a foreign country. We’ll head instead for Chicago. And not just any Chicago - Al Capone’s Chicago, speak-easy Chicago. Along with dinner we’ll also have a murder mystery to solve, complete with speaking parts for those who would like one. It’s an offer you can’t refuse. The requirements: Bring something appropriate to eat and share; keep your head down; and your mouth, except to eat and sleuth, shut. The date is Monday, Dec. 30, starting at 6 p.m.
High and lonesome
This weekend brings the Victorian Holidays to town. One of the library’s contributions to this delight time is musical. Nina Zanetti, the 2008 National Mountain Dulcimer champion will be playing her tunes at the library on Sunday, Dec. 15, starting at 2 p.m.
An opportunity to hear and enjoy something so soulfully unique and skillfully natural is a rare thing. Please come.