Altamont Library Notes for Wednesday, September 22, 2021

One of the questions we get asked most frequently here at the library is: Are there any good books on the history of Altamont? We tell them that of course there are!

Keith Lee’s recent book in the Images of America series is about as good as you could hope for, and of course the old standby, “Old Hellebergh” by former Guilderland Town Historian Arthur Gregg, is still pretty good. 

We even have a walking tour that leads folks through Altamont history, but the best resource for Altamont history is still, as it has always been, the people that live here. We’d like to collect some of that history and preserve it for posterity, and we need your help.

If you or a loved one have long memories and stories to tell about Altamont, please join us on Sunday, Oct. 10, to record a one-on-one oral history interview, which will be recorded and transcribed so that we always have it.

You can either bring a loved one to be the interviewer or, if you’d rather, I can conduct the interview myself. Either way, we’ll take care of the recording and have some sample questions ready to help you get the conversation started, so you can just relax and let your memories unfurl.

To sign up for a one-hour block of recording time, give us a call at (518) 861-7239 or email me at .


Founders Day

It’s almost time for Founders Day! What? You’ve never heard of Altamont Founders Day? That’s probably because this is only the second time it’s being celebrated.

This October, we’re commemorating the 1890 founding of the village of Altamont with a weekend of great events that will celebrate the history of our beautiful and unique community.

As discussed above, we’ll be collecting oral histories on Sunday, Oct. 10. Also that day, the village will play host to folks from all over the region as we show off our Museum in the Streets with guided tours of the historic core of the village. If you’ve never done the Museum walking tour, this would be a perfect opportunity!

Later, we will celebrate the opening of a new exhibit on the history of car racing at the Altamont fairgrounds, put together by Village Archivist Dan Barker at the Village Archives and Museum in Village Hall. Please join us as we celebrate the history of our beautiful and unique community!



Speaking of exhibits, we’re so lucky here in Altamont to be surrounded by extraordinary artistic talent and collectors of interesting things, and for the first time in a very long time, we have a new art exhibit hanging in our Community Room.

Painting Joy is an exhibit of wonderfully vibrant paintings by local artist Maria DeAngelo. You’ll immediately recognize a few prominent local landmarks in her work, including a certain train station that I personally am very fond of. Painting Joy will be on display through the end of October, so come check it out! Thank you, Maria, for allowing us to show off your incredible work.


COVID restrictions

 On a sadder note, we are all aware that COVID numbers are once again spiking in the Capital District. The staff, trustees, and I all remain committed to providing as much access to library resources as we safely can.

For the time being, we are not reducing access to the library or our collection, either by imposing headcount restrictions or time limits on visits, though we do continue to require masks to be properly worn by all visitors at all times.

If public health conditions make it necessary for us to make changes to our mode of operation, we will announce those changes through our Facebook and Instagram feeds, on signs on the library doors, and on our website. Those changes will also be announced in this weekly column, though there will necessarily be a time-delay between the changes being made, and the publication of the column.

Please remember that we take many factors into consideration when making decisions about restricting access to the library, but the most important considerations must always be the health and well-being of our users and our staff. If you have any questions about our mode of operation now or in the future, please don’t hesitate to call me at 518-861-7239 or email me at