Altamont Library Notes for Saturday, June 20, 2020

Some happy news, but also some sad news this week. Let’s start with the good.


Grab & Go

Earlier this week, we began curbside pick-up and return of library books and materials, or Grab & Go service as we’re now calling it. Here’s how it works.

— Hours of operation for pick-up and drop-off will be noon to 6 p.m. Monday through Friday;

— Reserve books and DVDs at anytime or by calling us at 518-861-7239 beginning June 15;

— When your items are ready, a library staff member will call or email you with a time you can pick them up. Please make an appointment before you come so that we can be sure to have everything ready for you when you get here;

— Your order will be waiting on a table in the library’s vestibule in a paper bag with your name on it. Please follow the directions you will see posted about “traffic flow” and social distancing;

— At this time, the library building and its restroom will remain closed to the public. Printing, computer, faxing, and photocopying services are not yet available;

— Borrowed materials can be dropped off in the marked boxes in the library’s vestibule during business hours. Due dates for previously checked out materials have been extended into July — overdue fines are not being applied to previously borrowed materials;

— Returned items will be quarantined at the library for at least 72 hours before they are able to be checked in and recirculated; and

— Library users must maintain social distance and wear masks while picking up and dropping off library materials.

Things will be different, and we’re still figuring some things out, so please bear with us as we make the necessary changes that will allow us to offer the services you need, while protecting the health and safety of our community.

We’re so excited to be getting back into the library and continuing our work with and for you all! We’ll see you soon!


Summer concert series canceled

And now for the bad news. Due to ongoing concerns about large gatherings, we have decided that we must cancel our annual summer concert series in Orsini Park for this year.

I am sure many of you are as disappointed as we are about this, but please know that as soon as we can safely hold large gatherings again, the series will be back. 

Video story times, online resources

Even though we’ll be opening up for curbside pickup and drop off, it’s going to be a while before we’re able to safely hold library programs like story time. If you and your young ones have been missing weekly story times as much as we have, you’ll be pleased to know the library staff has been working on something to tide you over until we can see each other in person again. Head over and search for “Altamont Free Library.”

There you’ll find video storytimes we’ve been putting together, with new ones appearing every Tuesday and Friday. You can also like us on Facebook and find them there. Each new edition is chock full of stories, songs, crafts, movement activities, and bubbles presented by staff members Meg Seinberg-Hughes, Erika Peterson, Jo Ann Mulligan, Ann Gainer and me! Please enjoy! 

In addition to video story times, there are tons of other online resources you have access to with your library card. Go to to find a full and constantly updated list.

If you’d like to use Ancestry, Hoopla, Overdrive, or any of our other digital services, but can’t find your library card, send me an email at or call the library at 518-861-7239 and leave a message with your name and phone number, and I’ll get you your card number within the hour.