Altamont Library Notes for Friday, April 22, 2016
Many thanks to all of our friends who joined us at Mio Vino last Thursday evening for our Centennial Night fundraiser. We were able to raise a considerable amount of money for the library, but more importantly we were able to share our 100th anniversary celebration with the community.
Special thanks are due to Mike Giorgio and the entire staff over at Mio Vino for their hospitality and generosity. There will be numerous other ways to share in our centennial celebrations throughout the year, so keep an eye on this space for more ways to get involved.
100 for 100
On the topic of our 100th anniversary, there are countless ways to participate in the celebrations. One way that you can participate is by making a contribution to our Centennial Fund. We are looking for 100 donors to donate $100 each to ensure that your library will be able to continue to thrive at the heart of our community for the next 100 years.
Donors to the Centennial Fund will be acknowledged in the library’s display case throughout the year and will be invited to a special party this summer at the Breitenbach Castle. For more information, please give me a call at 861-7239 or e-mail me at .
Earth Day craft
Celebrate Earth Day and the spring season at the library. This Saturday April 23, at 11 a.m., we’ll be making wildflower seed balls that you can strew about your yard and watch the beautiful, bright flowers bloom.
Please pre-register to ensure that we have craft materials for all by calling the library at 861-7239, e-mailing at or stopping by the library and signing up in person. We’ll also have stories, snacks, and more, so circle the date on your calendar with a bright green marker and join us.
Cuban Potluck
Please join us at 6 p.m., on Monday, April 25, for another in our series of fantastic Eat Around the World Potluck suppers, this month focusing on the food and drinks of Cuba. We’ve got some good friends who’ve just returned home from a visit to Cuba and they’ll bring some photos and stories from their trip to share.
Don’t forget to bring a dish to share, and if you don’t already have a favorite Cuban recipe, you can always pick up a cookbook here. Call ahead at 861-7239 to register in advance.
Book and garage sale
On Saturday, May 7, the Altamont Free Library will hold our annual book sale in conjunction with the PTA’s village-wide garage sale. In addition, this year, we will hold a garage sale to raise funds for the library. From noon on Wednesday, May 4, until the day of the sale, we will be very grateful to accept your books which will either be added to the library’s collection or sold to raise money for library programs.
We will begin accepting donations of garage sale items in good condition (no clothes, please!) on Thursday, May 5. We will be happy to make up a receipt for you for tax purposes if you like. Please don’t forget to visit us during the sale to find your next favorite book.
One-on-one tech help
Flummoxed by your Nook? Curious about your Kindle? Ready to throw your iPad across a room? Let us help. Make an appointment with a staff member and bring whatever eReader or tablet you’ve got and we’ll (try our best to) help you download books to it or help troubleshoot any basic problems you might be having. You can schedule up to a half-hour to work through your tech issues by calling us at 861-7239 or e-mailing .