Altamont Library Notes for Wednesday, March 18, 2015
Spring is nearly here and the time for new things is at hand. I’m speaking, of course, about the library’s new online catalog, which Altamont Free Library, as well as every other public library in Albany and Rensselaer Counties, will be rolling out on March 31.
As a reminder (or a primer, if you missed last weeks’ column), there is no cause for alarm: Everything that you love about the library will still be available when we switch systems. You'll still be able to search the catalog, reserve and renew items from your computer or smart devices. In addition, the new catalog will give you the option of searching for newspaper, reference book and scholarly articles from a number of databases that will soon be available to you.
Leading up to the implementation of the new systems, however, there are a few things you should know:
— For ten days before the new system goes live, you will be able to place requests, but we will not be able to fill them until after the new system is up and running;
— If you have suspended holds--requests for items that you have asked not to be filled until after a certain date--those holds will all be filled as soon as the new system goes live or very soon afterwards. To bypass this, the trick will be to delete your hold before March 30, and place it again as a suspended hold after the new system becomes available;
— If you use the "My List" feature of the current catalog to keep track of books you want to read or have read, that list will not be transferred over to the new system. You may email the list to yourself in order to keep that information and start a new list in the new system.
— As with any major technological change, there are bound to be unforeseen hiccups. For this reason, the AFL staff will be available by phone at 861-7239 and e-mail at to assist with any problems that may arise with your account. Furthermore, we will be lenient in applying overdue fines for the week after the new system goes into effect. Please keep an eye on our website, for news and information about the new catalog system. We will update this site with news as it becomes available.
Thank you for your support and patience through these changes.
In the meantime, there’s some neat stuff coming up this week at the library and two very cool events a bit further out in April.
Bird feeders
To celebrate the springtime, bring your favorite young folks down to the library this coming Saturday, March 21, at 11 a.m. We’ll be building birdfeeders to welcome our feathered friends back from their migrations. We’ll have a bunch of different types to make, so there will be something to make for every skill level.
Book club
Do you have a second grader in your life who’s crazy about reading? Bring them to our Second Grade Book Club on Sunday, March 22, at 2:30 p.m. Erika Peterson will be leading a discussion of “The Magic Tree House vol. 2: The Knight at Dawn.” The following Sunday, March 29, at 2:30 p.m., we’ll meet again to discuss the third book in that beloved series, “Mummies in the Morning.”
Adult book club
Our Penultimate Monday Book Club will be meeting at 7 p.m. on Monday, March 23, to discuss “Flora” by Gail Godwin. This acclaimed novel tells the story of a precocious 10-year-old girl and her struggling caretaker, set against the backdrop of the anxious final months of World War II.
On Friday, March 27, at 6 p.m., our old friend Ryan Black will be in to lead out teen gaming program, the Dojo. We’ll have something for every high schooler (or near high schooler) to get into, from board games to card games to video games.
Million Pillowcase Project
A bit further down the road, we have a wonderful way to spend a Tuesday during school break. Come down to village hall on April 7, and help the Train Station Quilters achieve their goal of making pillowcases for children in foster care as part of a nationwide effort called the Million Pillowcase Project. Here’s what you’ll need: One yard of fabric in one pattern, plus 10.5-inches of fabric in a different pattern for the trim. If you need fabric, there’ll be a limited amount of extra fabric available at the event. No prior experience in quilting or sewing is necessary. Please call the library at 861-7239 to register in advance.
Video editing workshop
Another very cool event a bit down the road, local filmmakers Frank and Zach Appio will be conducting a video editing class at the library on Saturday, April 18, from 1 to 4 p.m., for aspiring photographers and filmmakers ages seven to 14. This free event will demonstrate the technique of stop motion animation using Legos, smartphone cameras, and the “Lego Movie Maker” app. Seats in the workshop are limited, so to register, please e-mail the Appios at .