Altamont Library Notes for Thursday, March 12, 2020
All over the country right now, libraries, schools, churches, and other public-service institutions are grappling with fears about the spread of COVID-19, which is sometimes caused by the coronavirus. We at Altamont Free Library are doing our best to make sure that our patrons and staff are as well protected as we can make them against the spread of disease, whether it be colds, flu, or anything else.
In response to people’s concerns, we have been ramping up the cleaning and disinfecting of hard surfaces throughout the library, especially things like computer keyboards and mice, as well as toys and games that sometimes make their way into children’s mouths.
In addition, we have removed stuffed animals and puppets from the children’s area, since those are more difficult to reliably disinfect. We are also developing plans for how to continue to provide essential services to our community should the circumstances change.
At this time, there is no cause for undue alarm and taking common-sense steps that you would take in a normal flu season are your best protection. So wash your hands frequently; keep those hands away from your face; and if you feel ill and are able to do so, please stay home.
It’s also vitally important that you get your news about COVID-19 from reliable sources of health information, like the Centers for Disease Control or the New York State Health Department. We all need to do our part to keep Altamont healthy and safe. Thank you for doing yours!
Between March 12 and April 1, households throughout the United States will begin receiving mailings from the United States Census Department, giving instructions on how to respond to this year’s once-in-a-decade U.S. Census.
It is very important that you respond to that mailing. Why is it important? Because the census is our country’s way of figuring out who lives where, and how best to divide up their pool of money and representation. The more people who respond to the Census, the more money and representation we get. It’s that simple.
So, when you get your mailing from the Census Department, read it closely. If you feel comfortable responding to the Census through the Census website, go ahead. But if you feel as though you have questions and would like some assistance, or if you don’t have a computer and would like to use one of ours, please give us a call at 518-861-7239 to set up a time to come in and get some help with it.
The entire questionnaire shouldn’t take you more than 20 minutes to complete, depending on how many people live in your household, and your participation will make a big difference for your community. Thank you in advance for your participation!
Breitenbach butterflies
Two weeks ago we put out the call in this column for your new collections to display in our display case, and boy did you deliver! We’re currently displaying some of our friend Thom Breitenbach’s butterfly collection that he has kept since his childhood. (And as impressive as our display is, it’s not even the whole collection!)
Do yourself a favor and add some color to these dreary days by checking them out! Thom’s butterflies come from all over the world and will be on display for the next several weeks. Thanks, Thom, for brightening up the library!
Spring crafting
Spring is just around the corner and we’re cleaning out our craft supply closet! Drop in on Thursday, March 19 from 5pm to 6:30 pm to see what you can make from the supplies we provide. You just supply the creativity. All ages are welcome.
Story time!
Did you know that one of the best ways of getting our youngest friends to become strong readers is by exposing them to a wide variety of readers and reading environments? For that reason, and also just because it’s just fun, we have two StoryTimes each week on Tuesday and Wednesday mornings at 10:30 a.m.
Story time is a super fun program that combines some of our favorite things: awesome stories, silly songs, playful movement, and most importantly, bubbles! Tuesday Story Times with Miss Ann are targeted at preschoolers, while our Wednesday Story Times with Miss Erika are for toddlers (but we don’t mind older or younger friends on either day). Please join us for mornings of stories, songs, and bubbles.