Altamont Library Notes for Wednesday, February 8, 2023
Many of you may remember that for many years we used to hold an annual I Love My Library Gala to raise money for the library every February. For many of us who attended the last one in February 2020, it was the last big indoor gathering we attended before the onset of the pandemic made that kind of a gathering almost unimaginable.
Well, I’m happy to say that it’s time to bring the gala back! It will be happening in the late spring instead of in February this year, but only if we have your help!
We need a few people who love the library and who are great at event planning (or at least are willing to give it a shot) to lend us a hand and join our Gala Committee. Could that be you? If so, please get in touch with me at . With your help, we can make it happen!
Story time is back
Speaking of things we haven’t done in a while, a few weeks ago, we held our first story time at the Altamont Free Library since March 2020 and it was so wonderful to have it back. Story time is our weekly children’s program where we read stories, sing songs, engage in fun activities, and make crafts.
Storytime is important for so many reasons: encouraging early literacy and social skills, giving parents and caregivers of young folks a social circle to catch up with, introducing the library to young kids, and lots more reasons beyond that.
Please join Miss Ann for our super-fun weekly set of stories, activities, songs, and crafts in the library’s Community Room every Tuesday at 11 a.m. After story time, feel free to hang out and play and browse the stacks for your new favorite book. It’s a win-win-win!
Stuffies and Stories
Now that we’ve restarted story times here at the library (every Tuesday at 11 a.m.!), it’s time to bring back another old favorite program: Juice and Jammies Story Time!
Actually, it’s not exactly Juice and Jammies. We’re forgoing the snack, so there won’t be any juice. But you can still wear your jammies! In fact, we’d love for you to get comfy and bring a stuffed friend with you who might enjoy a story and an easy craft before bed, so we’re going to call it Stuffies and Stories!
What’s Stuffies and Stories you ask? It’s a super fun monthly pre-bedtime children’s story time. Please join Miss Erika for a few stories, a fun craft, and a little bit of library play time on Saturday, Feb. 11, at 6:30 p.m. This low-key story time will be just the thing to prepare your young folks to count some sheep. Make sure to sign up in advance by calling us at 518-861-7239 or emailing us at
To review: Stuffies and Stories: Less Juice, more Jammies, same amount of pre-bedtime fun!