Jim and I were sitting in the living room with the television turned on playing quietly to no one in particular. I was reading a book, and Jim was working on a word puzzle. At some point I realized that there was some music playing. I scoured the room to detect its origin, and being unsuccessful, I gave up the search. I turned to Jim who was deeply intent on solving his puzzle and asked, ”Where is that music coming from?” Without lifting his head he said, “From the television!”
At that, I turned to look at the television and saw a scene with people talking. Knowing that I was right I said, “There is no music on the television, just a couple engaged in conversation.” Almost without missing a word on his puzzle, Jim reached over, grabbed the remote, and muted the television. With that, the music stopped!
Years ago, Jim had been involved with making videotapes for professors at SUNY Research Foundation, who were seeking grants to continue with their research. He pointed out to me that just about every program on television contains background music.
He told me that background music refers to various styles of music or soundscapes primarily intended to be passively listened to. It is not meant to be the main focus of an audience, but rather to supplement that which is meant to be focused upon. That is what I was hearing, passive background music. I had been able to shut out the conversation but was aware of the music behind the conversation.
Music that is played at a low volume and is not the main focus of an audience is also referred to as background music. Traditional examples of background music include music played at various social gatherings and music played in certain retail venues. It is also common to employ background music in various electronic media including film, television, and Internet videos such as video blogs.
Take just one minute to think about some of the movies or television shows you have seen such as Star Wars. Star Wars Galactic Battlegrounds background music, or as the track itself is known: In the Midst of Battle, is essentially a Star Wars medley to end all Star Wars medleys. During this medley, you can almost picture the scenes associated with the music even though it is background.
Of course, we all recognize The Imperial March and Temple March, the Confederacy flourish, and also Star Wars itself. Others like The Droid Invasion with the Appearance of Darth Maul and The Rebellion in The Battle of Endor may not be remembered by name but are almost always remembered as soon as the music starts.
Music does not have to be background to catch someone’s attention. In fact, it has been used for years to catch the hearts of men and women all over the world. Around St. Patrick’s Day you will be able to hear music that is an expression of love between two people. In 1928, Cole Porter wrote, “Birds do it, bees do it, even educated fleas do it so let’s fall in love.” Falling in love can be as easy as falling off a log. But writing a love song is a challenge that the greatest songwriters have wrestled with since the first caveman grunted a serenade to his beloved.
If romantic songs are too saccharine for your taste, perhaps you would like to settle down with an album of good old fashioned hymns. Our churches have been moving the hearts of their members since history can remember. Church choirs have filled the pews and brought men and women to tears of joy.
Don’t forget that music can also be used to inspire men to fight for their country. This 4th of July was an excellent example. Parades were held all over the country to celebrate our freedom. The bands played music that can move people to war. We cheered and greeted the men and women who serve our country like the heroes they are.
Music can stir our hearts in many ways. We can dance to it, sing to it, feel the emotions of love, excitement and happiness. The next time you think you hear music, maybe you do – in the background or in your heart. Listen, sing along, and enjoy.
Food Pantry
The Food Pantry housed at St.Lucy/St. Bernadette's Parish Center always has needs to assist those who rely on the food pantry for food and supplies. Supplies such as toilet paper, Kleenex, and paper towels are always in need. Fruit juices are also needed.
Golf Tournament
St. Lucy/St. Bernadette members have announced that their 9th annual golf tournament will be held at the Pinehaven Country Club on September 15. More information regarding the tournament to follow.
Office hours
The office hours at St. Lucy/St. Bernadette's Church during July and August are 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. The office will be closed on Wednesdays during the summer.
In the event of an emergency, members may call 861-8770 and leave a message. Your call will be returned.
Past Matrons Picnic
Past Matrons of Helderberg Chapter #331 Order of Eastern Star held their annual summer picnic and meeting at the home of Betty Spadaro on Glen Lake this past Saturday. Past Matrons present included Rosemary Caruso, Shirley DeSess. Beverly Harrington, Pat Irwin, Mary Murphy, Colleen Stoltzfus. and Betty Spadaro. These ladies were joined by the following husbands: Jim Caruso, Gerry Irwin and Steve Harrington.
All enjoyed the delicious food provided by the attendees. A brief meeting was held following the picnic lunch after which all enjoyed the conversation, laughter and the view of Glen Lake from the porch.
Happy Anniversary wishes are extended to:
– Marg and Mike Keogh celebrating their special day on July 26.
Happy Birthday wishes are extended to the following:
– Natalie Naginey and Mario Sbardella on July 26;
– Christine Bendzlowicz and Stephanie Harrison on July 28; and
– Kaylin Amanda Battista and Kyle Douglas Efaw on July 29;