Altamont, Apr. 10, 2014
Reading The Altamont Enterprise has always given me a lot of joy. It informs me about so many different things that are going on in and around the village. With the editorials I have the opportunity to keep in touch with some of the hot topics of the week. The opinions given there and in the letters to the editor have been the grist for many a conversation in our home.
Activities, dinners, plays, concerts and events put on by the churches, schools and various groups help us to plan our week. Things like bingo at the American Legion, special dinners by the VFW and VFW Auxiliary or the annual dinner-dance at the fire department keep us apprised of the goings on in our village. Once we see what is going on we can set our calendar and decide which of the activities we want to attend each week.
Many times while I read The Enterprise, Jim, will often be fuming about an article in the Times Union or laughing at one of the comics. He likes to start his day by reading the comics first in order to have a few laughs and put everything in proper perspective.
Our entire family has long been pleased with having a newspaper, a library, and a museum in Altamont. Through these mediums we are able to access just about anything that provides facts, figures, or information throughout the state of New York.
However, we cannot overlook the value of television and the mobile visual devices that open up the world to immediate information about what is going on around the world. We see and hear about major storms that are headed our way so we can prepare and perhaps not receive as much damage. Joyous activities like the election of a new Pope or a family rescued from a raging river are brought to us immediately.
Yesterday, one of the morning network programs aired a story that touched our hearts and I just feel that it shows love and compassion to have anyone who missed the story. If you watched the show or saw the story on Facebook, I apologize for repeating it but if you did not see it then I hope it reaches the same emotions that it did with me. I will be paraphrasing the story because I certainly cannot remember it word for word.
“An eight year old boy was going into Cracker Barrel with his family when he spotted something on the ground. Bending over to pick it up he was delighted to find a $20 bill. As he entered the store portion of the restaurant he was overwhelmed with all of the wonderful choices that were available to him with his new found fortune.
Just then this young boy saw another family enter the restaurant. The husband was in uniform and that touched this eight-year-old. You see his father died in Afghanistan fighting for our country. The only memories that the boy had of his father were the pictures of the two of them together, stories from the family and his father’s dog tags.
Without saying a word to his mother the eight-year-old took a piece of paper from his backpack and in pencil wrote a note. He said something like, “Dear Soldier. My father died in Afghanistan in the Army. I believe in paying ahead. I found this $20 bill in the parking lot and would like you to have it. Thank you.” He signed the note and put the money with it and gave it to a lieutenant colonel in the Air Force National Guard.
The lieutenant colonel gave the $20 to an organization that helps children of military families who have been lost serving our country.
Those contributions have gone to the fund the lieutenant colonel donated to, which has so far realized over $250,000. Now who says small things are not noticed? Thanks for letting me share this story with you.
Officers elected
Cyrene Temple No. 18, Daughters of the Nile held their annual election on March 8. The following ladies will serve Cyrene during the coming year: Sandra Hussey, PQ, as her Majesty the Queen; Patricia Irwin, Junior Past Queen; Alice Eagle, Princess Royal; Patricia Pelton, Princess Tirza; Beverly Harrington, Princess Recorder; Dorothy Malmborg, PQ, Princess Banker; Shirley DeSess, PQ, Pr. Marshall; V. Rae Forster, Pr.Chaplain; Pr Stacey Wright, Pr. Musician; Pr. Elissa Prout, Pr. Lady of the Keys, Pr. Carol Stannard, PQ, Pr. Nydia; Pr. Janiis Berschwinger, Pr. Zulleika; Pr. Miriam Kleinberger, Pr. Zenobia; Pr. Susanne Peckham, Pr. Zora; Pr. Sally O. Lebowich, PQ Pr. Zuliema and Pr. Barbara Kappas, Pr. Attendant.
The officers will be installed on Saturday, April 12.
Leaf collection
The village of Altamont began leaf and brush collection on April 1. Leaves must be in biodegradable paper bags, and must be closed and sealed. The village asks that residents not include bottles, cans or any foreign refuse in the bags.
Happy-anniversary wishes are extended to:
— Mary Ann and Donald Hendrickson on April 11;
— Linda and Peter Cure on April 12; and
— Ruth and Francis Wey on April 17.
Happy-birthday wishes are extended to:
— Heidi Levin and Cathy Sells on April 11;
— Teresa Golden Burleigh, Bobbi Northrup, Mary Ramo, Stephanie Alexis Spiak, and
Bill Trendell on April 12;
— Casey Farly, Linda Hoogkamp, Diane Schager, Kerry Strand and Andrew Teal on April 13;
— Laurie Rose on April 14;
— Paul Golden, Bev Marx, Kaylee Munroe, and Kendra Makepeace Sands on April 15; and
— Ginny Becker, Jon Jacklet, Carol McHugh, Linda Miller, Larry Serrell, and Carol Snyder on April 16.