Sue Green

GUILDERLAND — Guilderhaven would like to thank all of those who made our July Art for Animals Event possible. Thanks go to the Guilderland Public Library, which hosted us; James Matlock who provided our musical entertainment; and Janice Adams, Polly Spinnler, and Lexi Vandenburgh as well.

GUILDERLAND — Guilderhaven would like to thank the Guilderland Chamber of Commerce, which supported us at this year’s inaugural Guilderland Farmers; Market.

It was such a success, we can’t wait to return.

Please check our Facebook page in the coming days for future dates. See you at the Farmer’s Market.

GUILDERLAND — Guilderhaven Inc. is having our Art Fun Raiser July 11 at the Guilderland Public Library from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. with a presentation to Jim Tedisco at 6:30 p.m.

Please jin us as we thank him for his tireless work on behalf of animal welfare.

GUILDERLAND — On April 20, Guilderhaven will be at the town’s shredding and hazardous waste day. We also use this time to collect donations of pet food, toys, blankets, sheets, and gift certificates, such as Tractor Supply, and PetSmart.

GUILDERLAND — Once a year, Guilderhaven reaches out to our generous community, asking for assistance in dealing with the avalanche of small, helpless wildlife babies that have come into our care.

GUILDERLAND — Guilderhaven finished 2017, having facilitated the spaying or neutering of 461 cats and 82 dogs that participated in our low-cost programs.

The new year has started with strong demands for our services and, with our community support, we are confident of another successful year.

GUILDERLAND — Thanks to the support of our animal-loving community, service dog Nash’s large veterinary bill has been paid in full.

Special thanks to our entertaining band, The Blue Stones; our providers Jim W., MaryJean T., Sue F., Syron’s and Sidoni’s Market; Ann and Erica M. For the fun and fabulous fried dough.

GUILDERLAND — Guilderhaven is having a fundraiser on Saturday, July 22, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Veterans of Foreign Wars Post on Mill Street in Altamont with a bake sale, barbecue at 11:30 a.m., fried dough, and raffle baskets.

We have always counted on our community. We are able to continue our important programs because of the support that you give us.

Thank you for coming to our annual fundraiser in Orsini Park on Saturday and a special thanks to Outpost #4, the wildlife rehabilitation organization that brought raptors.


The Guilderhaven ad pictures a few of the many temporary “guests” that came through Guilderhaen’s wildlife rehabilitation program last year.


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